Switching Away From Plastic Bottled Water On Merchant Vessels

In a recent interview, The Maritime Executive spoke with Giorgos Kyriazis of water treatment company P Ship Systems about how ships can do away with plastic bottled water and switch to a sustainable alternative.
TME: Tell us about P Ship Systems. What does it do?
We provide shipping companies with clean, safe and environmentally friendly drinking water solutions using the ship’s own evaporated water. Our solutions eliminate the need for plastic water bottles onboard and all the problems associated with plastics. Our mission is to replace plastic water bottles on the ship and plastic waste in the ocean with a potable, onboard drinking water system.
TME: How do you do it?
We do it by combining the vessel’s generated water with our field-tested, multi-layer water treatment systems, backed up by many years of hands-on experience and expertise in the water treatment business from the oldest water treatment manufacturer, Puricom. The “P” in our name stands for Potable. We are Puricom’s partner for the global shipping industry with our own centers, production lines, engineers, chemists and labs.
Our INFINITY Drinking Water Vessel System, for example, is the only system available today that complies with all national and international regulations regarding the purity of drinking water. It’s easy to install and eliminates the need for plastic bottles, thereby reducing GHGs in the air, waste in the ocean and on the ship, and eliminating waste management charges.
TME: How do most shipping companies deal with drinking water on board?
Our daily interaction with shipping companies worldwide reveals a great deal of confusion about the various rules and regulations for potable drinking water. Not only that, they’re also not sure how to quickly and cost-effectively stop using plastic bottled water onboard while still complying with all the regulations. They’re also on tight budgets and also must, in these challenging times, deal effectively with Covid-19.
TME: What are some of the issues and costs associated with plastic water bottles?
There are many. Possible health considerations for the crew include the water quality and how it was produced; how long it’s been inside the plastic bottle and has it been exposed to sunlight? Then there are procurement and waste management charges as well as the cost of recycling the bottles at each port or onboard.
TME: What kind of vessels deploy your drinking water vessel systems?
All types of ocean-going vessels use our system. We work with newbuildings and retrofits alike on a worldwide basis.
TME: Where do vessels tend to install your drinking water systems?
They started out by installing them just in the kitchen. Since potable water covers so many needs and is used in so many places on the vessel, nowadays most of our clients install them in the officers’ mess room, the crew mess room, and the engine room and bridge.
TME: How many systems have been installed thus far?
More than 1,100 with more and more vessels getting added every week.
TME: How helpful do shipping companies find your systems? What about the quality of the water produced?
Our customers love them. Not only do they save money and waste management costs, they also protect the crew, the ocean and the environment. One of our clients with a fleet of tankers trading globally recently received a “Best Practice for Drinking Water” commendation during a TMSA office audit by a highly reputable global oil major. And needless to say, all our clients get excellent vessel Lab Analysis Results.
TME: How about the availability of systems and spare parts?
Shipping companies need quick access to systems and replacement parts worldwide. We started out with locations in Barcelona, Rotterdam and Athens and have since added Houston, the UAE, Singapore and Hong Kong.
TME: What systems do you deliver to vessels?
Apart from INFINITY, which produces 380 liters daily, we also deliver dispensers (cold/hot/room temperature water) and K10 systems, which have a capacity of 2,270 liters per day.
This interview is sponsored by P Ship Systems Ltd.
The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.