
USCG Cutter Munro Offloads 20,000 Pounds of Cocaine

Image courtesy USCG

Published Feb 10, 2020 10:18 PM by The Maritime Executive

On Monday, the crew of the Coast Guard cutter Munro offloaded nearly 20,000 pounds of cocaine seized from the drug-transit zones of the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Together, the seizures are worth about $340 million.

Four cutters seized the drugs in eight interdictions between mid-November and mid-January. Thetis was responsible for two case seizing 6,830 pounds; Resolute was responsible for one case seizing 1,951 pounds; Tampa was responsible for two cases seizing 4,270 pounds; and Munro was responsible for three cases seizing 6,680 pounds.

"By disrupting the profits of these cartels, we are reducing their effectiveness and helping our partner nations maintain their stability," said Rear Adm. Peter Gautier, the 11th Coast Guard District commander. "These efforts also provide invaluable information to us that we can then use to stop these drugs further up the supply chain before they begin these dangerous routes at sea."

The interdictions were in support of Campaign Martillo, a regional inter-agency initiative targeting trafficking in international waters. The law enforcement phase is conducted under the authority of the 11th Coast Guard District, headquartered in Alameda. The interdictions, including the boardings, are led and conducted by members of the U.S. Coast Guard - even when the platform is operated by a partner nation or by the U.S. Navy. 

“The men and women of the United States Coast Guard have made America a safer place to live,” said David King, the director for the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program. “This cocaine will never make it into our homes, schools and communities to fuel violent crime, addiction and death.”