Third Medevac in Three Months for F/V Golden Alaska
On Thursday, a U.S. Coast Guard MH-65 helicopter from the cutter Stratton medevaced a 59-year-old crewmember from the factory trawler Golden Alaska about 35 nm northwest of Cold Bay, a small fishing port in the Aleutian Islands. The individual was reportedly suffering from inhalation of unknown chemicals.
Weather on scene was favorable, with calm seas and light airs. The aircrew safely hoisted the man aboard from the Alaska's bow and brought him to Cold Bay, where he was transferred onto a LifeMed aircraft ambulance and flown to Anchorage.
The maneuver was well-practiced, as it was the third instance of a medevac from the deck of the Golden Alaska in as many months. On February 20, a Coast Guard MH-60 aircrew met the vessel about 60 miles northeast of Cold Bay to medevac a 44-year-old patient suffering from stroke symptoms (video below).
On January 24, an MH-60 Jayhawk crew from Air Station Kodiak medevaced a 42-year-old man from the deck of the Golden Alaska at a position 75 miles north of Cold Bay. The patient was suffering from a hernia and needed surgery within eight hours. The aircrew brought him to shore at Cold Bay within three hours of the call.
Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak forward-deploys helicopter SAR assets to Cold Bay during the busy wintertime season for cod, pollock and crab. “The ability to have a helicopter and crew awaiting situations like this in Cold Bay during the frigid winter months is crucial,” said command center watchstander Bud Holden.