
Boatracs Announces Fleet Wide Installation for United Barge Lines

Published Apr 6, 2011 11:42 AM by The Maritime Executive

 Inland Transportation Company Using BT FormsT on 14 Vessels 

San Diego, California, April 5, 2011 - Boatracs Inc., a leader in providing
integrated communications and software solutions to the maritime industry,
announced today it has completed the installation of BT Forms, an electronic
forms product, on 14 vessels for United Barge Lines (UBL), the inland
transportation division of United Maritime Group.  The project entailed the
conversion of UBL's Master's Daily Log into an electronic form that captains
can complete with their on-board PC, providing an efficient and easy-to-use
form that transmits data in a cost effective and timely manner.

"Feedback from the captains has been excellent," said Rocky Gunter, Director
of Profitability & Financial Analysis for UBL.  "We now have consistent and
accurate vessel information and the ability to generate valuable shore-side
reports for operational analytics.  BT Forms is a big win for a maritime
operation like ours - ease of use for our captains, streamlined operations
for management and better customer service for our clients."

BT Forms is an end-to-end software solution developed to help commercial
maritime operators increase operational efficiencies by converting paper
forms to electronic versions that reduce the resources required for internal
reporting and record keeping for regulatory compliance.  With BT Forms, the
vessel and shore see the exact same information.  On the vessel. BT Forms
uses smart forms that verify and validate complete information before
transmission, reducing manual errors at the point of data collection.  The
hosted BT Forms web application on the shore-side can then compile the data
into a variety of reports for managers.

"UBL has been a valued customer of Boatracs for 15 years, using our
satellite messaging and tracking solutions as an integral part of their
fleet management systems.  We are pleased to deliver additional benefits to
them with BT Forms, by streamlining accurate data collection on the vessel
and providing enhanced reporting capabilities on the shore-side," said Irwin
Rodrigues, president & CEO of Boatracs.  "BT Forms is a highly flexible
software solution for data communications and reporting between any vessel
and its shore-side office.  We are excited about the high level of interest
and adoption of the product by our customers."