
Redwise Marine Takes Over Dirkzwager Coastal & Deep Sea Pilots

Deep Sea Pilot comes aboard (file image courtesy Royal Dirkzwager)

Published Jul 10, 2018 1:10 PM by The Maritime Executive

The future of the Deep Sea Pilots and offshore VTS pilots of Royal Dirkzwager has been secured through a takeover by Redwise Marine Holding NV. Compliance with IMO resolutions A.486 and A.1080(2), which recommend the use of Deep Sea Pilots in the English channel, the North Sea and the Skagerrak, will now be continued by The Netherlands. 

According to Redwise, using Deep Sea Pilots ensures that the risk to the safety of navigation is reduced to “as low as reasonably practicable” (ALARP). Apart from bringing valuable knowledge on board of the local circumstances, Deep Sea Pilots enable ships’ masters to comply with the mandatory work and rest hour regulations, reducing fatigue and improving working conditions, especially with the numerous port calls in this area. The pilots safely navigate (loaded) tankers, car carriers and fast moving container vessels from the English Channel across the North Sea and up to the entrance of the Baltic. 

The UK Deep Sea Pilotage Authorities believe that the use of licensed pilots by vessels transiting the English Channel, Dover Strait and the North Sea is one of the key control measures available for reducing risk to a level "as low as reasonably practicable."

Redwise has taken over all activities of DCP, including pilotage, offshore VTS operations and the education/training of Deep Sea Pilots. The firm is working together with the active Deep Sea Pilots and operations manager to ensure continuity and job security. The combined company, to be named Redwise-DCP BV, will add to Redwise's well-established service portfolio in ship delivery and seconding of maritime personnel. Both companies are certified by DNV-GL in their respective trading domains, and their management, safety and quality control programs will be merged into one set of systems. Redwise says that the shareholders of Royal Dirkzwager, RH Marine Group and Port of Rotterdam Authority are pleased that the future of DCP and its services are safeguarded through the acquisition. 

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.