
You're Invited to the 2023 ABS Sustainability Summit. Register Today!


Published Aug 2, 2023 3:12 PM by The Maritime Executive

[By: ABS]

Join us for the 4th annual ABS Sustainability Summit on September 11, 2023, which will be held on the first day of London International Shipping Week. In addition to hearing from ABS and other leading industry voices, you will also be among the first to receive a copy of our soon-to-be released ABS Low Carbon Outlook which examines the latest regulations and technologies as well as the current state of the carbon, ammonia and hydrogen value chains and puts the latest regulations and technologies into context. 

You will not want to miss this year’s event which will be held at London’s landmark Leadenhall Building. The agenda includes a fireside chat with ABS’ Vice President for Global Sustainability, Panos Koutsourakis, and a panel discussion moderated by Julian Bray, Editor in Chief, TradeWinds, with confirmed panelists:

  • Mette Asmussen, Lead for Maritime Sector Initiatives, The World Economic Forum
  • Scott Bergeron, Managing Director Global Engagement & Sustainability, Oldendorff Carriers
  • Sophie Parker, Transport Economist, The World Bank

More panelists to be announced soon!

Join us for a networking reception following the discussions and continue the conversation.

We look forward to seeing you there! Stay up to date with the latest agenda and speakers and register to attend by clicking below.

Register Here Today

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