
Launch of B:CONNECT – Infinity Ship Cloud

Image by BÖNING
Image by BÖNING

Published Jan 15, 2021 4:03 PM by The Maritime Executive

BÖNING Ship Automation, a global player in electronics for workboats and yachts, announces  to launch of its new ship cloud service. According to Luiz Barbarini, managing director of  Böning USA, “B:CONNECT is the Böning solution for the current demand of monitoring and  control vessels remotely, and being able to go back in time, and see past data without having  to be present onboard.” 

The cloud solution is an ideal choice for new building projects as well as for upgrades of  existing systems. BÖNING offers a full package including the necessary 4G LTE gateway to  collect parameters onboard the vessel and for data transfer to the cloud service. 

“B:CONNECT is probably the easiest way to monitor, operate, and analyze machinery data  and equipment status information onboard your ship - thanks to the cloud from any location.

This is a great step forward for our company. It complements our existing automation  solutions and makes them more powerful and unique,” says Bernhard Jungsthöfel, managing  director of BÖNING Headquarters, in Germany.  

B:CONNECT – Main features at a glance

  • Real-Time Condition Monitoring 
  • Remote Control from All over the World 
  • Cloud Data Storage and Analysis 
  • User Alerts 
  • Online Map View 
  • Browser Optimized Access 
  • Easy Installation on Board 

“There are several other companies in the market providing remote monitoring via cell  phone,” explains Marinko Vukancic, head of sales of BÖNING, “But it is very hard to find a  company that can provide all these features under the same platform. Besides, BÖNING’s  main advantage is that we provide the infrastructure to collect all data that is being recorded  or transmitted.” 

B?CONNECT comes with its HMI to visualize real-time data and to analyze historical recordings graphically. It is a cost-effective solution with a fair monthly subscription plan, based on recording sequences and transferred data volume. It is easy to operate and can be adapted to project-specific requirements.

Fleet managers, marine equipment manufacturers, or companies who would like to offer to  their customers the remote connectivity of B?CONNECT may set up a direct account with Böning and have multiple vessels under a centralized dashboard. Please contact Böning USA to learn more about this business model. 

The products and services herein described in this press release are not endorsed by The Maritime Executive.