
HudsonCyber and DNV GL Link Up to Offer Cyber Solutions


Published Sep 14, 2018 8:05 PM by The Maritime Executive

HudsonAnalytix, Inc. and its cyber risk management subsidiary, HudsonCyber, are pleased to announce the inclusion of its award-winning HACyberLogix cyber risk management decision-support software solution with DNV GL’s Veracity industry platform. With HACyberLogix now also available on the marketplace, more than 120,000 Veracity users will now have access to a solution that uniquely combines maritime risk management with cybersecurity expertise, capabilities, and best practices via an intuitive electronic interface that delivers meaningful cybersecurity guidance, insights, recommendations, and trend analysis capabilities to maritime decision-makers.

Cyber risk has grown in importance as maritime trade becomes increasingly automated and dependent on information availability and accuracy. After last year’s NotPetya attacks that debilitated a number of maritime transportation organizations, as well as the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) announcement requiring that shipowners have in place a cyber risk management system by 2021, shipping companies are increasingly recognizing the urgency to address the challenge of cyber threats. Further, the potential risks posed by the reliance on information systems have become a fundamental component of enterprise security for shipping companies

Bjørn Tore Markussen, Head of Veracity by DNV GL said, “HACyberLogix is an innovative tool and methodology that brings additional value to the marketplace, supporting the need for efficient cyber risk management. We are excited to welcome HACyberLogix to the Veracity marketplace and our rapidly growing eco-system for digital innovation and industry collaboration.”

Recipient of Lloyd’s List 2017 Digital Innovation Award, and formally endorsed by North of England P&I, the HACyberLogix solution, which will remain a stand-alone product offering, informs where and how shipowners and operators should best and most efficiently allocate precious resources, enables them to benchmark their cybersecurity capability progress over time, and helps them sustain their long-term cyber risk management efforts.

Max Bobys, Vice President of HudsonCyber, stated, “In using HACyberLogix our clients immediately benefit by gaining unlimited access to critical cybersecurity knowledge, expertise, and guidance – and by sustaining such access at a reasonable price point.  Managing organizational cyber risk continues to remain a challenge for most shipping companies – most haven’t even yet budgeted for it.  With this in mind, we are pleased to also offer our HACyberLogix solution and methodology through DNV GL’s Veracity.  This will provide shipping companies with an opportunity to continuously benefit from a customized roadmap of prioritized recommendations that will support them on their cyber risk management journey.”

HACyberLogix incorporates the latest cybersecurity standards from the US National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST), the Center for Internet Security’s Critical Controls, and the ISO / IEC 27001 guidelines.  Even more, it aligns with the IMO’s International Safety Management and International Ship and Port Facility Security Codes, factoring in existing activities shipping companies are already performing that are not readily identifiable as cyber-specific but nonetheless support cybersecurity capability maturity.

The products and services herein described in this press release are not endorsed by The Maritime Executive.