
Gunshot Detection Technology for Counter Piracy Vessel

Mounted sensor
Shomari LRV-17 escort vessel with Microflown Maritime's boat mounted sensor.

Published Apr 27, 2015 4:05 PM by The Maritime Executive

Zycraft Pte. Ltd. (Zycraft), a major provider of anti-piracy vessel escort services for shipping in South East Asia, has fielded a state-of-the-art gunshot detection system called B-AMMS (Boat Acoustic Multi-Mission Sensor) onboard its Shomari LRV-17 counter piracy escort vessels. This provides the Shomari LRV-17 with an early warning capability against weapon fire that pirates may employ and which is normally very difficult to detect in a noisy marine environment.

The B-AMMS, developed by Microflown Maritime BV, is an extension of its proven vehicle mounted SAF (Small Arms Fire) detection system currently in operation with the Dutch Forces. The system features Microflown’s proprietary acoustic vector sensor and software and its small size, weight and power means it can be fitted on almost all types of maritime vessels. B-AMMS can detect multiple shots of small arms fire and provide both the direction as well as the range for each of the shots. Mastering multi-shooting scenarios, the B-AMMS detects shots and localizes the shooter position, whether being targeted directly or when the shooter is not firing at the vessel. The system detects very well both the shockwave and the muzzle blast of such an acoustic event. This acoustic vector detection and localization system also works at larger ranges and miss distances than conventional gunshot detection systems. Ranges up to 1500m and miss distance up to 200m can be achieved.

Zycraft is performing operational evaluation tests for the B-AMMS over the next six months and will be exploring its integration onto its Unmanned Surface Vessels.

Mr. James Soon, Zycraft’s president, said, “The company is pleased to be able to harness this critical technology onboard its vessels. Our Shomari LRV-17 vessels operate in a very difficult environment. Although our vessels already use an array of high technology sensors, the detection of small craft and potential pirate boats remains highly challenging because these boats are stealthy in nature. In the past, it was also almost impossible to know whether an undetected pirate boat has opened fire. Microflown’s B-AMMS provides the definitive evidence of gun fire and is a positive trigger in our rules of engagement. The B-AMMS adds a critical layer to the sense and response capability. With knowledge of the shooter’s relative position, the LRV-17 can maneuver and respond in a deliberate but measured manner. This significantly enhances the safety of the crew and strengthens the protection capability we offer our clients.”

Mr. Iulian Pavel, from Microflown Maritime BV, said, “The B-AMMS represents Microflown’s expanding range of products integrating its unique acoustic vector sensor technology. The company sees a huge market for its B-AMMS system at sea for government and security forces. We are pleased to bring this innovative system to Asia and to collaborate with security companies and governmental agencies who act with the foresight of leveraging new technologies early looking to improve their operational success. The Boat Acoustic Multi-Mission Sensor will be officially launched in the second half of 2015.”

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