The Lowy Interpreter
Op-Ed: Trump's Strikes on Houthis Won't Work Any Better Than Biden's
The Houthis have proven resilient in the face of strikes. The Trump administration’s strikes this month...
Sunk Costs: Shipwrecks and the Urgent Need for the Nairobi Convention
[By Sheridan Ward] It is estimated that there are 3,800 shipwrecks scattered across the floor of the Pacific Ocean. M...
Should Australia Rebuild its Merchant Navy?
Australia’s vulnerability to maritime trade disruption is well recognized. International shipping moves some ...
Why Shared Governance Could Save Our Oceans
In the summer of 1968, Garrett Hardin published his seminal paper, “The Tragedy of the Commons”, offering a...
Vanuatu Illustrates Risks of Thin Subsea Cable Infrastructure
[By Cynthia Mehboob] Last month’s magnitude 7.3 earthquake near Vanuatu caused widespr...
Taiwan Works to Catch Up With the Drone Boat and UAV Revolution
The drone message from the war in Ukraine has not been lost on Taiwan. Uncrewed aircraft and vessels, especially small,...
Peru's New Chinese Megaport Reveals a Refined Belt and Road
[By Selwyn Parker] China should be extremely grateful to the Peruvian government of Dina Boluarte. Courtesy of her Co...
Who is Paying for Cambodia's Massive New Canal?
[By Grace Stanhope and Hannah Buckley] Speculation swirls around Cambodia’s newest megaproject, the F...
Understanding Indonesia's Gambit With China in the South China Sea
[By Emirza Adi Syailendra] China and Indonesia recognise that they have overlapping claims in the South China Sea. Ho...
Where Will the Philippines' Defense Fit Into Trump's Rivalry With China?
[By Richard Javad Heydarian] The impending return of Donald Trump to the White House has, quite predictably, refocuse...