
Study Explores Developing Global Market for Green Hydrogen

global hydrogen market Germany Australia Port of Rotterdam
Port of Rotterdam is joining Germany and Australia in exploring development of a global hydrogen market - image courtesy Port of Rotterdam

Published Dec 22, 2020 5:47 PM by The Maritime Executive

A new feasibility study being undertaken in Germany and Australia is investigating how the value chain for renewable hydrogen can be developed as part of the steps towards the development of a global hydrogen market. Expected to take two years to complete, the study is exploring combining German technical expertise with Australia’s natural resources in the development and supply of green hydrogen. 

One of the aspects of the study will explore is the shipment of hydrogen to supply Germany and Europe with renewables sources of energy. The Port of Rotterdam Authority announced that it will be involved in the project from the point of view of possible new trade corridors for hydrogen between Rotterdam to Germany.

“Hydrogen provides us with the opportunity of shipping the Australian sunshine to Germany,” said Robert Schlögl, Director of the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society and one of the leaders of the HySupply project in Germany. “Now we want to find out how this can be done on a large scale and over long distances. This requires pressing research issues to be clarified at the interfaces of the entire system, from production to transport, conversion, and end use. If we succeed, we will have found a strong partner in Australia.”

The HySupply study is expected to develop a roadmap for implementation and is designed to encourage an intensive dialogue between German and Australian stakeholders including at the government level. The Federation of German Industries (BDI) and acatech, the German Academy of Science and Engineering, in cooperation with a consortium led by the University of New South Wales (UNSW) are launching the joint project. The Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) is providing approximately $2 million to fund the project for Germany. 

“The great renewable energy potential, infrastructure, and energy exporting expertise of Australia, together with the manufacturing excellence and energy import needs of Germany, presents an ideal opportunity to establish a hydrogen value chain partnership that combines their comparative strengths and interests,” said Associate Professor Iain MacGill who heads the Australian UNSW-led consortium partnering with Germany. “There are still considerable challenges, with associated uncertainties and risks, to overcome. This study will help us jointly plot a pathway to address these challenges and seize the opportunity for a vibrant renewable hydrogen sector in and across our countries, and beyond.”