
Port Of Newcastle Marks Key Milestones for Future Diversification


Published Nov 16, 2021 9:44 AM by The Maritime Executive

[By: Port of Newcastle]

Port of Newcastle’s diversification strategy will mark further critical milestones in the coming week.

Following the funding announcement by Prime Minister Scott Morrison this week supporting the commencement of a feasibility study into the Port of Newcastle Green Hydrogen Hub, the Port is poised to release two tenders to advance its Mayfield Precinct Multi-Purpose Cargo Handling Facility, an interim body of work to diversify the Port in preparation for the future Multi-Purpose Deepwater Container Terminal. 

“The release of these tenders for land and water side construction works again reinforces the Port’s commitment to future adaption and another milestone that will go down in the Port’s history books as a key step-change in our diversification journey,” said Port of Newcastle CEO Craig Carmody. 

“The Port’s Mayfield Precinct is a 90-hectare parcel of extensively remediated port-side land and these tenders will give new life and purpose to the former BHP Steelworks site, supporting the creation of the Mayfield Precinct Multi-Purpose Cargo Handling Facility, and enabling the Port to diversify its trade and support the Hunter and NSW economy through improving existing supply chain efficiency.”

The tender works will support the Ports $28.4 million investment in two Liebherr Mobile Harbour Cranes which are currently being constructed in Germany and are due for arrival at Port of Newcastle in July 2022. The tender release also follows the closure of the Ports Expressions of Interest process to operate a future Empty Container Park at the Mayfield 4 (M4) site which has attracted significant Australian and international interest. 

In issuing the tenders, Port of Newcastle Executive Manager Projects and Assets, Glenn Thornton, said Port of Newcastle is seeking to develop a portion of the Mayfield site for expanded Port related activities in order to accommodate a diverse range of cargo handling infrastructure and grow new and existing trades.

“The release of the tenders for the expansion of operations at Mayfield 4 Berth to Mayfield 6 Berth is a critical next step in moving the Mayfield Precinct to a key activity centre within Port of Newcastle.”

“Mayfield 4 is currently a general cargo facility and the expanded hardstand area, associated infrastructure and planned Empty Container Park is being implemented to leverage the arrival of the 2 Liebherr Mobile Harbour Cranes that are currently in production in Germany. This expanded general cargo facility will compliment the Ship Unloader that is in commissioning stage at Kooragang 2 and advances Port of Newcastle on its diversification path.”

These multi-million dollar investments will further enhance the Port’s existing project cargo, general cargo and container handling capability and efficiency. 

Once constructed on M4 berth, the Mobile Harbour Cranes will be used to load and unload vessels and trucks to and from the wharf and to the Empty Container Park to be located behind the existing M4 hardstand. The tender for the landside and waterside works will include construction of additional hardstand area of cargo handling and storage, upgrades to access roads, services upgrades and security upgrades. 

“As the Hunter’s trade gateway to the world, the mobile harbour crane investment will enable the Port to leverage the full use of our abundant channel, rail, road and land capacity to accommodate existing and new trade and ensure the Port of Newcastle is best placed to meet the demands of customers into the future,” Mr Carmody said. 

“Naturally, we would also like to be announcing the next stage in our game changing $2.4-billion Multi-purpose Deepwater Terminal project. Although we are not presently in that position, Port of Newcastle’s goals are unwavering. We remain of the view that an appeal is necessary as development of another container terminal in NSW, even whilst Port Botany still has capacity, would provide a viable alternative and more cost-effective export routes for regional NSW farmers and manufacturers. Such competition would increase regional NSW global competitiveness and allow these suppliers to avoid congested supply chains. 

“As the world’s largest coal Port, we know that diversification is not an option for us, it is a must do, and as such, we are forging forward. Our diversification is critical to ensure we can create a strong, thriving Port that will continue to support local jobs and the economic prosperity of NSW and the Hunter Region for generations to come. To do this we must realise projects now. It is the actions that we take now that will shape our Port and our region over the next 10, 20, 50 years and beyond,” Mr Carmody said. 

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