Rustibus Offers First Eco-Friendly Deck Maintenance Tool

Deck maintenance is a core duty for crews but historically it has been backbreaking work that generates dust and debris that spreads into the environment. That’s all changing with Rustibus’ latest version of its deck crawlers the 2000 ECO, which is the first to incorporate environmentally friendly features.
“A big part of the microplastics in the ocean comes from paint and maintenance on ships at sea,” explains Kristian Dalseide, CEO of Rustibus. “We are now launching the new Rustibus ECO series. It is a ship maintenance machine for cleaning ships that also controls and contains the waste for proper disposal. By doing this, Rustibus and its customers are contributing to clean ships and clean oceans.”
Since the 1970s, Rustibus has been an innovator in the business of mechanically removing coatings, rust, and scale from decks, hatch covers, tank tops, and other flat surfaces. The Norwegian manufacturer has over 12,000 machines in use worldwide based on its patented chain-link system. The heavy-duty machines are walk-behind units that remove loose paint, scale, old non-skid materials, and rust from large flat areas. Cost-effective, and simple to operate not requiring special training or specialist PPE, the machines use strong motors (electric, pneumatic, or diesel) spinning the large chain flail.
While Rustibus has added new models and features to the line over the years, the machines use the same basic features. Four years ago, the company stated the Rustibus Clean Ocean initiative that guides the business with an increased focus of working with customers to increase the environmental focus of the operations. The company working with customers is dedicated to reducing plastic and waste in the oceans.
The machines were already designed for a long lifespan and built so that they can be recycled into new products. The new line however adds important new environmentally responsive capabilities.
The new Rustibus 2000 ECO product Dalseide explains is guided by the Clean Ocean initiative and the result of extensive R&D. “It is based on the more than 40 years of successful design for the Rustibus machines, although now with the ECO features. It is also safer and more comfortable to operate,” says Dalseide.
Rustibus is proud to build on its long heritage of offering the only mechanical solution able to achieve results without damaging the steel surface. They are offering the most efficient and environmentally friendly solution for the critical maintenance conducted onboard ships at sea.
For more information about Rustibus and the new ECO 2000, please visit the company online.
The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.