
The Maritime Executive's Energy Magazine Edition is Out Now, Read Online

offshore energy

Published Apr 26, 2024 11:10 AM by Tony Munoz



The horrific accident of the m/v Dali in Baltimore reinforces the destruction that large ships can impose on infrastructure, economies and ecosystems. The tragic loss of human life weighs heavy on this allision, which is never acceptable. These problematic circumstances mandate maritime stakeholders everywhere to reexamine waterways and establish appropriate rules of the road, including tugboat escorts. 

In this edition’s Case Study and Executive Interview with President & CEO Mark O’Neil, we delve into the success story of the Columbia Group. This ship management organization has thrived since its establishment in 1978 in Cyprus, redefining the ship management business in the process. Its remarkable growth is testament to the power of people, partnerships and a solid commitment to ESG, inspiring us all.

For our Executive Achievement feature, Senior Editor Jack O’Connell interviewed Sean Fernstrum, President of R.W. Fernstrum & Company, which is celebrating 75 years of leadership in building keel coolers for ships. Jack also penned the always sharp Upgrades & Downgrades column with an excellent insight on the evolving image of global shipping titled “Out of the Shadows.” We’re confident you’ll find it thoroughly enjoyable.

“No Coffee for You!” warns Erik Kravets, View from the E.U. columnist, in an entertaining essay on the unintended consequences of recent E.U. legislation. Allen Brooks, Eye on Energy columnist, makes some smart observations in “Made in China,” about how China is winning the clean-energy wars.

In our annual Offshore Energy Report, regular contributor Sean Hogue labels the sector a “Mixed Bag.” While renewables are encountering stormy seas, Big Oil is investing billions in new projects and acquisitions and enjoying new success. Changing horses in midstream can sometimes be complicated, so enjoy.

Chad Fuhrmann, another elite master mariner, authored “State of Flow” for the Fluids Handling feature. His analysis is like the dynamic calculus of a finely tuned orchestra. I’m always thrilled to offer our readers bright people to read and enjoy.

In “Win-Win,” News Editor Paul Benecki crafts our annual Marine Coatings column, reviewing both the costs and benefits of antifouling measures – an essential read for maritime executives. And in “Perfect Recipe,” returning contributor Pat Zeitler compares feeding your vessel with the right fuel mix to feeding your body. It’s another winner.

Wrapping up this edition is ports columnist Tom Peters, who does his usual fine job in “Winds of Change,” explaining how traditional petrochemical ports are getting in on the clean energy business and finding that it, too, can be profitable.

Do not forget From the Bridge and Quoted, and thanks for being loyal readers! If you haven’t done so already, be sure to sign up for our daily Newsletter and to visit www.maritime-executive.com to keep up with the latest news and opinions.


Tony Munoz is the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of The Maritime Executive

To read the latest edition of the magazine, go to The Maritime Executive March/April 2024 Energy Issue.  To subscribe to the magazine, please go to https://www.maritime-executive.com/subscribe.


The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.