Sanmar Adds Another New Build Azimuth Tractor Tug to Young Tleet

[By: Sanmar]
Operating with a fleet of modern powerful and technologically advanced tugboats with an average age under three years is a major factor in the success of Sanmar Shipyards as the leading towage operator in Turkey.
Sanmar has continually renewed its fleet since the company was set up approaching 50 years ago, under the direction of Ali Gurun and Cem Seven, placing quality, innovation, value for money and technological advances at the heart of their fledgling business.
Today Sanmar’s young fleet of 20 highly manoeuvrable tugs offer a huge variety of services in Turkey’s seven most important harbours on the Marmara Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Aegean Sea.
Given its strategy of increasing the capabilities, it comes as no surprise that Sanmar Shipyards’ latest new-build delivery is to its own fleet operating at Nemrut Bay on the Aegean Sea.
Delicay XIII is a twin Z-drive propeller tug in tractor configuration based on the exclusive-to-Sanmar TRAktor-Z 2500SX design from acclaimed Canadian naval architects Robert Allan Ltd, and has been designed and built for maximum efficiency in both harbour ship-handling and towage work.
With a LOA of 25.3m, moulded beam of 12m, least moulded depth of 4.46m and approximate extreme draft of 6.55m, Delicay XIII is powered by two CAT 3516C HD D rating main engines, each producing a minimum of 2.100kW at 1.600 rev/min to drive Kongsberg US 255FP azimuth thrusters. It can achieve a hefty bollard pull of 75 tons. Rated FiFi 1 for fire-fighting, the tug’s tank capacities include 83.900ltrs of fuel oil and 12.300ltrs of fresh water.
Within a few months of the arrival of Delicay XIII at Nemrut, Sanmar will deliver the 2019-built ASD tugboat Terminal XXIV, which had previously been part of its Nemrut fleet, to MedTug. Terminal XXIV will be the 4th tugboat that Sanmar has delivered to MedTug.
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