
RH Marine Systems Keep First Dutch LNG Dredger in Position


Published Apr 24, 2019 5:20 PM by The Maritime Executive

By supplying its Rhodium Alarm Monitoring System (AMS) and Dynamic Positioning and Tracking control system (DPT), RH Marine ensures that the Ecodelta, the first Dutch dredger on LNG, can do its work securely and is dredging at the right speed on the right position.

The sustainable trailing suction hopper of Dredging and Contractor Company Van der Kamp will keep the ports of Rotterdam and Eemshaven at the right depth. The ship is 134 meters long, 21 meters wide and can dredge up to 37 meters deep. It has a capacity of 5500 cubic meters. The Ecodelta has five LNG engines and four electric motors. The Ecodelta has four Dual-Fuel engines and an on-board gas engine. All drives are operated by four electric motors.
For its classification, the Ecodelta needs an alarm and monitoring system. Van der Kamp chose maritime system integrator RH Marine and had the ship equipped with its AMS. This system monitors all operating systems on board via sensors, from propulsion to dredging. It can be monitored and read out on screens from RH Marine in the desk on the bridge, but also in the engine control room of the engine room and on other workstations.

"Van der Kamp is an old client for whose ships we have often supplied such systems. For the company it is especially important that our systems are open systems that can easily be integrated with their own systems on board,” says account manager Bart Lamme of RH Marine.

Van der Kamp also opted for RH Marine’s DPT system, which was initially developed for the dredging sector. This system can keep the dredger in position, but the Ecodelta can also sail at slow speed a pre-set heading during the dredging.

"In the past dredging was done by using an ordinary autopilot, keeping the speed constant by manual control. The reason for Van der Kamp to purchase the DPT system is that in the future there may be orders for precision dredging or dumping. The ship must then be able to keep its position more precisely,” explains RH Marine’s consultant Ehab El Amam. Because the Ecodelta can be loaded or empty and therefore lies deep or less deep in the water, the DPT is an adaptive system that automatically adjusts control behavior to the depth of the ship.

Experts from RH Marine have trained the personnel on board to work with the systems. The company supplies them custom-made. "We first look at: what is the main process of the ship, what kind of operational support is needed for this and how could our systems contribute. That is our philosophy,” say Lamme and El Amam. 

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