
Product Tanker MT Pretty Scene for Sale in South Africa


Published Nov 18, 2017 7:55 PM by The Maritime Executive

The MT Pretty Scene was arrested in June 2016 in Durban, South Africa and remains at anchorage. The vessel belongs to the Parakou Group and a Court Order (Case Ref A71/2017) has instructed the sale of this vessel through South African Auction House, Clear Asset Pty Ltd.

The auction will take place on Tuesday, December 5 at 1000 hours at Bowmans’ premises in Durban (correspondent attorneys) acting for Credit Agricole Asia Ship Finance Ltd.

The vessel is a Hong Kong-flagged product/oil/chemical tanker, built in Korea in 2006. IMO 9354179, Call Sign VRBZ3. GRT is 30,068 and dimensions are 183m x 32.2m.

Full information can be found at http://www.clearasset.co.za/asset/view/7732/mt-pretty-scene-oil-chemical-tanker, or contact:

Ariella Kuper
MD, Clear Asset Pty Ltd
Tel: +27 21 418 2630
Mob: +27 79 8999 998
[email protected] za

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