
Orion Marine Concepts Rolls Out ALTANTIS ERP Solution


Published Jan 21, 2022 2:27 PM by The Maritime Executive

[By: Orion]

Orion’s ERP solution aims at providing better control of fleet technical performance, improving its reliability and  competitiveness in the industry while simultaneously enhancing the company's safety standards. The systems provide interactive dashboards, analytics, and structured reports. 

The System is organized into Various modules: 

  • E-Safety Management System: Eliminating paper-based documents which impede traceability and tracking. 
  • QHSSE (Inspection & Audits, Incident Management): Comprehensive management of all audits and inspections  such as SIRE, CDI, Port state control, terminal, Internal Audits, External Audits, etc. along with incident Management  & root Cause analysis. 
  • Defect Reporting: Facilitates transparent information exchange with regards to readiness and reliability of the fleet.  
  • Vessel Certificate Manager: A smart repository of all the certificates onboard & notifies when they are due for  renewal. Statutory and general certificates can be stored and tracked for their renewal surveys. 
  • Risk Assessment Library: Simple approach to quantitative and qualitative risk assessment. 
  • e-CLOUD (Filing System): A centralized file management System to keep all Company filing for Monthly, Quarterly,  Half yearly, Yearly, etc. forms organized. This eradicates the lakhs of emails that are sent back and forth just for  ship’s document exchange. 
  • Administration & Transmission: The system has inbuilt capability of user-based access rights to ensure role or  permission-based control towards access, read/write & delete authorization. The system comes with its own  proprietary synchronisation to handle the exports and imports from the system. 

This complex system follows a uniform structural approach through each individual module, easy input/entry points for  the vessel staff and visual treat in the form Dashboard output for the shore office to evaluate the results and help them  in the decision-making process. 

Further extending its ease of use, Orion has provided Virtual guidance Videos that are easily accessible on their website. This transition from your old school user manuals to your Virtual host has provided its user a much greater ease &  control over the system and help them navigate. 

The products and services herein described in this press release are not endorsed by The Maritime Executive.