
OMSA Announces Workforce Development Committee


Published Oct 20, 2021 11:41 AM by The Maritime Executive

[By: OMSA]

The Offshore Marine Service Association (OMSA) today announced the formation of  the OMSA Workforce Development Committee and requested Members nominate professionals to the Committee. 

Like much of the international maritime industry, OMSA members are working to secure a sufficient number of  mariners for their current operations, increased activity in traditional offshore markets, and the new offshore wind  market. This challenge has become increasingly difficult as the industry confronts the impacts of the global pandemic as well as regulatory, societal, and market changes. In response, the OMSA Board of Directors  unanimously adopted a resolution creating the OMSA Workforce Development Committee.  

As an indication of the importance of this effort, the OMSA Workforce Development Committee is structured to  empower and leverage the knowledge of industry experts to create meaningful and lasting change for the industry.  Specifically, the Committee will be composed of industry experts nominated by OMSA Members and officially  approved by the OMSA Board of Directors. Each Committee Member will represent a segment of the maritime  industry. For example, vessel operators with fleets of 10 vessels or less will have a dedicated member.

Additionally,  at least one member of the Committee will hold a current merchant mariner license. As a whole, the Committee  will be charged with crafting recommendations to the OMSA Board of Directors for policy positions and strategies  to increase the number of men and women working in the U.S. maritime industry and to ensure that these Americans  have an achievable pathway to further their careers.  

OMSA President, Aaron Smith said, “the foundation of the Jones Act industry is the hardworking men and women  that build and operate U.S.-flagged vessels. Currently, there are too many barriers preventing these mariners from  advancing their careers or returning to the industry after the downturn, I look forward to seeing what solutions the  Committee can formulate to cut this red tape and reestablish the hawsepipe. Further, the Committee will work to  find ways to attract and retain the next generation of professional mariners, something I think that everyone in the  industry understands we need to work on.”  

The Chairman of the OMSA Board of Directors, and L&M Botruc Rental, LLC Vice President Tony  Cheramie said, “my family has been involved in the offshore vessel industry since the beginning. Through this  involvement, I have seen how this industry can provide a good family-supporting career for mariners. We need to  do more to tell that great story, get the next generation into our industry, and ensure mariners have the opportunity  to advance. I think the OMSA Workforce Development Committee will do just that.”  

All OMSA members will be able to attend meetings of the Committee and participate in subcommittees and working  groups established by the Committee. For more information contact OMSA staff at www.offshoremarine.org. 

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