
Natural ProLogic Signs Agreement for Flying Ship Ground Effect Vessels

Flying Ship Technologies & Natural ProLogic LLC

Published Dec 6, 2022 10:06 PM by The Maritime Executive

Natural ProLogic LLC has signed an agreement with Flying Ship Technologies, Corp. to purchase or lease Flying Ship wing-in-ground effect cargo vessels that will service northern and central Caribbean areas like Florida, the Bahamas, Turks & Caicos, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Jamaica, and the Cayman Islands, driving down transportation costs and fueling dramatic economic growth in the region.

“Natural ProLogic is an innovative logistics company that is going to enhance their service with fast, cost-effective delivery, improving connectivity to the islands and lowering the cost of imports,” said Flying Ship Technologies, Corp. Founder and CEO Bill Peterson. “We are establishing the initial service routes with island governments that want to be the first to bring this capability to their people.”

Flying Ship Technology, Corp. aims to solve the world's maritime supply chain problems with revolutionary, environmentally friendly ground effect vehicles that travel on a cushion of air just over the water. These Flying Ships will disrupt segments of the multi-trillion-dollar global logistics industry with the combination of green technologies and 21st century aerodynamics. Integrating these concepts dramatically decreases vessel cost, improves energy efficiency and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

“Flying Ships will change the way we transport cargo around the Caribbean,” said Natural ProLogic LLC President Steve Winters. “Refrigerated foods, high-end retail, medicine and any type of high-value goods will be shipped faster, cheaper and more frequently than ever. Most of the Caribbean islands import nearly all of these goods and the shipping costs are exorbitant and hinder economic growth. Flying Ships will deliver the goods at airfreight speeds, but maritime shipping prices to increase the availability and lower the purchase costs to the end consumers. This will have a tremendous economic benefit and improve the lives of the people in these regions.”

The first generation of Flying Ships will feature electric propulsion and will operate within the maritime domain for commercial markets. The vessel will dock using existing marinas, beaches and boat ramps to efficiently deliver goods. Payload and range characteristics will depend on customers’ requirements, with initial base models varying from 3-18 meters in wingspan and payloads ranging up to 2,700 kg. The first-generation Flying Ships have a remotely operated person in the loop and use artificial intelligence to support obstacle detection and collision avoidance.

“Caribbean Export is pleased to learn of this agreement between Natural ProLogic and Flying Ship Technologies,” shared Dr. Damie Sinanan, Manager for Competitiveness and Export Promotion at the Caribbean Export Development Agency. “One of the main purposes of the Caribbean Investment Forum was to facilitate the connections between businesses that can solve the issues that hamper the economic growth of the region. Transportation and logistics is one such area, and thus we look forward to seeing how trade is enhanced as we build a smarter, greener Caribbean together.”

The size and initial number of Flying Ships will be determined by Natural ProLogic based on market demand, government collaboration and resources.

The products and services herein described in this press release are not endorsed by The Maritime Executive.