Marine Weather and Sea State: Analysis and Forecasting for Sailors

Ocean weather and sea-state affects every aspect of yachting, from enjoyment and success to safety. Despite this fact, most sailors have little more than a superficial understanding of the governing factors relying almost entirely on broadcast forecasts or advice provided by contract meteorologists or routers. This dependence can lead to difficulties offshore when forecast conditions differ from those actually occurring. The quality of subsequent routing now becomes much more dependent on the skill of the crew, which in turn depends on their understanding of the reasons for the inaccurate forecast and implications regarding future conditions. Even if ready communication is available, limited understanding affects the ability of sailors to ask the right questions of their consultants and to confidently put the information received to use.
To assist sailors in the development of a fundamental understanding of marine weather and the associated forecasts and sea state, CCA will host a one day symposium on February 10 at the MITAGS Conference Center in Linthicum Heights, Maryland next to the Baltimore Washington Airport. The session will start at 0830 EST and wind up at about 1730. Rooms will be available at this site for those needing overnight accommodations. Subjects to be covered and presenters include:
- Marine Weather Fundamentals, mid-latitude, tropical, extratropical conditions (Ken McKinley, Locust Weather);
- 500 mb conditions –significance and analysis (Lee Chesneau – Chesneau Marine Weather)
- Ocean currents, waves, and sea state (Frank Bohlen, University of Connecticut Marine Sciences)
- Forecasts and forecasting (Joseph Sienkiewicz– NWS OPC, Ken Campbell – Commanders weather)
- Communications VHF to Inmarsat (Jim Corenman)
- The Role of the Navigator – Information processing and routing (Stan Honey, Ralph Naranjo)
- Questions from floor - Roundtable Discussion (With all presenters)
The cost is $175 per person, and the registration deadline is February 5, 2018. For more information, please see
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