
IRClass Releases IR-HULL Software


Published May 10, 2016 4:27 PM by The Maritime Executive

IRClass, the Indian classification society, today announced the release of its new technical software, IR-HULL.

IR-HULL was developed by IRClass specifically to verify all aspects of ship design compliance to its established Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships.

The new IR-HULL software analyses global strength (including both longitudinal and buckling strength) and local scantling for all panels and stiffeners in a vessel’s hull section. IR-HULL is equipped with a user-friendly graphical interface and an intuitive modeler with CAD drawing tools to significantly reduce data entry time.

“IR-HULL is agile, versatile, and can be simply applied to multiple ship types,” said Mr. Arun Sharma, Chairman and Managing Director of IRClass.

Mr. N Girish, Head – Research & Innovation Centre added, “We are delighted to have developed this new software solution which delivers a range of prescriptive assessment tools and provides results in standardized reports for quick and easy user comprehension, which ultimately facilitates safer ship design.”

IR-HULL software is available to ship owners, designers, consultants and shipyards.

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