Hyde Marine to Hold BWM Seminar in New Orleans

Hyde Marine has announced a one-day informational seminar on ballast water regulations, implementation requirements under the U.S. Coast Guard regulations and the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention, and providing key information from the lessons learned from their more than 460 units sold.
With the recent ratification of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention by Finland and Panama, the threshold for entry into force of the Convention has been exceeded. That means that all ships flying flags signatory to the Convention, as well as all vessels trading in countries signatory to the Convention, must begin to comply with the Convention on September 8, 2017.
With ambiguity still surrounding the issuance of US Coast Guard Type Approvals and the question of how the Alternate Management Approval program will be affected once such Type Approvals are issued, the industry seems to have more questions than answers. As a market leader, and a technical pioneer in the field of ballast water treatment, Hyde Marine has been at the center of both the questions and the answers for much of the last 12 years.
"Now is the time for honest dialog and a path forward," said Mark Riggio, Senior Market Manager for Hyde Marine. "Hyde Marine wants to provide a forum for regulators, engineers, installers, equipment providers and most critically shipowners to sit down and discuss how we are going to get this done."
The symposium will be held from 12 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the J.W. Marriott New Orleans hotel on Monday, November 28.
Space is limited, so please contact [email protected] to request an agenda or to reserve your space. There will be no cost for the event, and all are welcome to pre-register.
Because of space constraints, those who do not pre-register may not be able to attend. Lunch will be provided courtesy of Hyde Marine.
About Hyde Marine
With more than 100 years in the maritime industry and pioneering development of ballast water treatment technologies, Hyde Marine, as part of Calgon Carbon UV Technologies, LLC, has become the leading U.S. manufacturer and educator regarding regulations, technologies, installation experiences, and challenges facing this sector. Since its initial launch in 1998, the Hyde GUARDIAN® BWTS has rapidly emerged as an industry leader featuring mechanical separation followed by UV disinfection – with more than 460 Hyde GUARDIAN units sold to date for installation in various ship types and sizes around the world. For more information, please visit www.hydemarine.com.
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