Bogerd Martin First to Launch AVCS Online in Chart Track Ship Manager

2019 has been a very busy year for Bogerd Martin. Further building on their DNV GL approved charts and publications management system, the release of the new and improved Ship Manager, the introduction of the NavReader, which centralized the consultation of various e-Books publishers into one application, the introduction of the all new NavPack computer which houses all software required for safe navigation and so much more.
Being at the pinnacle of technological evolution and innovation, Bogerd Martin is heavily invested in building a single platform application that seamlessly integrates with Chart Track Ship Manager. As first distributor in the world to do so, Bogerd Martin now offers AVCS Online via the Chart Track Ship Manager web application.
AVCS Online is the brand new UKHO service that allows its users to display official ENC’s in their web browsers.
Ship owners and managers are now able to view the same charts in their web browser in the comfort of their office, as the crew on board of their vessels.
This long-awaited development enables Chart Track Ship Manager users to overlay their vessels routes on official UKHO charts and verify their safety against actual ENC’s, which are kept up to date every week.
In combination with the powerful Chart Track Ship Manager, AVCS Online completes the set of tools required for helping ships make safe passages and to further optimize the support offered to the vessels.
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