
VALUE MARITIME Installs World 1st Onboard CO2 Capture & Storage Unit


Published Sep 9, 2021 4:14 PM by The Maritime Executive

[By: Value Maritime]

Value Maritime has developed an onboard CO? Capture and Storage solution for the Maritime Industry. A Capture Module captures CO? from the vessel’s exhaust and uses the CO? to charge a CO? Battery; a CO? storage facility on which CO? can be charged and discharged. The Capture module will be integrated in Value Maritime’s Filtree System; a small prefabricated, pre-installed, “plug and play” gas cleaning system. Value Maritime’s first CO? Capture Module and CO? Battery will be installed on Visser Shipping’s Nordica vessel October this year, making the Nordica the first vessel to capture and store CO? onboard of a vessel whilst in operation. The vessel will be operated by X-Press Feeders. 

Value Maritime’s system is based on an innovative and patented technology to remove CO? from the vessels exhaust gas. The CO? is used to charge Value Maritime’s CO? Battery; an onboard storage facility which can charge and discharge CO? infinitely. The charged CO? Battery will be offloaded in ports and transported to CO? customers (e.g. agricultural sector) who “re-use” the CO?. After CO? discharge, the CO? Battery returns to the vessel, to be recharged with CO?; A 100% circular solution!  

First onboard CO? Capture and Storage Facility worldwide

With the installation of Value Maritime’s CO? Capture Module and CO? Battery, Value Maritime is the first company worldwide to install a capture and storage facility onboard a vessel in operation. Class Bureau Veritas is involved in the relevant approval of the system. Value Maritime will start loading and offloading the CO? Batteries at the Rotterdam Short Sea Terminal to discharge the batteries at greenhouses in Rotterdam Area, who re-use the CO2 to grow their crops. Value Maritime expects to expand to additional locations shortly, amongst others Bremerhaven and Hamburg and will subsequently follow client’s request to set up CO? infrastructure in any port that clients desire.  

The CO? capture and onboard storage capabilities, developed by Value Maritime can be endless and the system could   capture up to 100% of a vessel's CO? emissions, enabling a huge impact on the vessel’s CO? footprint.  

“Installing the module will not only be beneficial for our clients, but will bring the maritime industry one step closer to targets set by IMO2030 and 2050.” -Christiaan Nijst, Technical Director and co-founder of Value Maritime. 

Since the start of Value Maritime in 2017, the company has helped customers to achieve concrete savings in emissions and in euros. Thanks to their technology, the emission of sulfur oxides (SOx) in shipping has been reduced by 1.4k tonnes and ships have avoided 85k tonne CO?. Furthermore, the ultra-fine particle emission reduction is equal to 16k cars driving around the world and shipping companies saved €10 million in fuel. 

Value Maritime has currently equipped 12 vessels with a Filtree Unit with a current orderbook of 5, including one repeating order from Visser Shipping.  

“We are satisfied with the Filtree Systems already installed on our vessels. With the additional CO2 capture solution, we can further improve our vessel’s sustainable footprint from day one, while preparing us for future environmental regulations.” -Douwe Visser, owner of Visser Shipping. 

The products and services herein described in this press release are not endorsed by The Maritime Executive.