
Trump Supporters Defend Paris Agreement Withdrawal

Signing of the Paris Agreement by John Kerry in United Nations General Assembly Hall for the United States
Signing of the Paris Agreement by John Kerry in United Nations General Assembly Hall for the United States

Published Nov 5, 2019 7:58 PM by The Maritime Executive

On November 4, the U.S. began the process to withdraw from the Paris Agreement by formally submitting notification of its withdrawal to the United Nations. The withdrawal will take effect one year from delivery of the notification. 

Members of the Western Caucus have released statements applauding the move. The Congressional Western Caucus is a bipartisan caucus within the United States House of Representatives currently composed of 74 Members of Congress.

The Paris Agreement's long-term temperature goal is to keep the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. As of February 2019, 194 states and the European Union have signed the Agreement. 

"The Paris Climate Agreement is an unconstitutional treaty negotiated by President Obama, and the United States should never have been a part of it in the first place. Not only is it a clear violation of the Constitution, it would harm the American economy and American workers. The very same agreement that would harm the United States, also let’s China off the hook, despite being the world’s largest polluter. Under President Trump’s administration we are producing more energy than ever, exporting it to our allies around the world, and lead the world in carbon emissions reductions," said Chairman Paul Gosar (AZ-04).

"I applaud President Trump for putting American families and workers first by officially withdrawing from the unworkable and reckless United Nations Paris Climate Accord. The unrealistic, liberal policies that make up this agreement hit low-income Americans the hardest by increasing energy costs and killing American jobs. Estimates show that the reduction in manufacturing necessary to comply with Paris Accord mandates would destroy up to 2.7 million jobs in the U.S. by 2025. Those jobs would go to exempt countries like China and India, who emit significantly more carbon than us now, and are allowed to increase their emissions through 2030 under the flawed terms of the agreement. America is already reducing carbon emissions through innovative technology coupled with strong environmental standards. The United States will continue to advance smart strategies that promote energy dominance and protect American jobs – especially the energy jobs that are so critical to our economy in Louisiana," said Republican Whip Steve Scalise (LA-01).

"I applaud President Trump for formally withdrawing the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement.  This Agreement  was based on flawed science and would have cost hundreds of thousands of American jobs, including many in Wyoming’s critical energy industry. Under the agreement, the United States would have been subject to new and unattainable requirements while other signatories with terrible environmental track records would be allowed to continue to operate without consequences. This was one of the worst of many bad deals made by President Obama, and President Trump is right to formally withdraw the United States," said Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney (WY-At Large).

"President Trump has continued to follow through on another significant promise to the American people by beginning the formal withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement. This agreement was the capstone of the Obama administration’s attempt to circumvent the constitutional powers of Congress and the antithesis of job creation and American energy production. By formally withdrawing from the agreement, President Trump has signaled to foreign powers and bureaucrats that the United States will not be subject to unattainable and unproductive environmental standards that will have a detrimental effect on hard-working Americans and do not come with a guarantee of compliance from other nations. I applaud President Trump for his forward thinking, commitment to his promises, and protection of American sovereignty," said Chief Regulatory Reform Officer Andy Biggs (AZ-05).

"The Paris Climate Agreement was a terrible deal for the United States and every hardworking American. It was intentionally designed to force U.S. citizens to carry far more than our fair share of the world’s burden, and it led to the loss of many American jobs while accomplishing almost nothing. We should all be thankful that President Trump is ending the unfair mandates imposed on us and stepping up with renewed zeal to show the world what real leadership looks like." said Congressman Mike Johnson (LA-04) 

"The Paris Agreement has been flawed from the very beginning, and I applaud President Trump’s decision to formally withdraw from this deal that would have cost the U.S. hundreds of thousands of jobs. The Trump Administration has shown that American energy dominance and sound environmental stewardship are not mutually exclusive – and we should continue to promote environmentally sound policies that protect American prosperity, security, and ingenuity," said Congressman Kevin Brady (TX-08).

"The Trump Administration should be commended for putting America first and removing the United States from the flawed and misguided Paris Climate Accord. This accord placed burdensome and costly regulations on the United States that would halt all the free-market and technological advances that have helped our nation reduce total emissions by 68 percent since 1970 – a feat no other country has accomplished. This accord also placed strict, job-killing requirements on the United States while doing nothing to hold the biggest offenders of emissions accountable – China and Russia. Our nation will continue to lead the world in emission reduction through free-market advances, without tying the hands of American innovators through the ill-advised Paris Climate Accord," said Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-03).

"I applaud President Trump for continuing to look out for the prosperity of Americans by withdrawing the U.S. from the ill-conceived Paris Climate Accord. This treaty was fiscally irresponsible, produced negligible benefits to the environment, and would ultimately have led to increased energy costs for U.S. consumers and businesses. Additionally, it is unfair that the treaty placed no cap on greenhouse gas emissions for high-polluting countries like China, India, and Russia. By withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, we have saved millions of American jobs and freed taxpayers from a costly, ineffective and burdensome deal," said Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05).

"While other nations like China and India are increasing emissions, the United States has shouldered the burden of increased energy costs and the loss of American jobs by their participation in this agreement. America, and especially my home state of Minnesota has been leading the way to reduce emissions. Prior to this agreement, Minnesota cut emissions by 15 percent, and that number continues to rise, despite this flawed deal, because we are committed to finding innovative solutions. I applaud President Trump and his Administration for officially withdrawing, and for responsibly advancing America's interests," said Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06).

"Most countries were anxious for the U.S. to be part of the Paris Climate Agreement so that we would pay them for our nation’s successes.  Despite the significant air pollution floating in from China, we continue to improve our American air and water quality and do not need to be part of an agreement that harms our economy and jobs. Thank you President Trump for once again helping America and the world by keeping another campaign promise," said Congressman Louie Gohmert (TX-01).

"Withdrawing from the job-killing Paris Climate Agreement is great news for the American people and I applaud President Trump for making this decision. The United States is already leading the world in reducing CO2 emissions and the Agreement does nothing to hold China and Russia, who are already some of the world’s largest polluters, accountable. We cannot have an effective climate policy that puts the United States at a disadvantage with our economic competitors," said Congressman Markwayne Mullin (OK-02).

"While economic growth continues, the U.S. has managed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 13 percent since 2005.  Given current and emerging technologies, that trend will continue.  After all, it’s in our nation’s best interest to continue working to reduce air pollutants. It is also in our nation’s best interest to pursue this endeavor in such a way that doesn’t harm our economy or those in the middle class.  To be clear, we should have realistic and sensible goals for our air and environment.  Unfortunately, our commitment to the Paris Agreement had neither, and so I applaud President Trump for this decision," said Congressman Ralph Norman (SC-05).

"Anyone who has actually looked into components of the Paris Climate Agreement knows that it puts the United States at a competitive disadvantage and hurts consumers and taxpayers through needless increased energy costs. I wholeheartedly support President Trump’s decision to withdraw from this agreement to see that burdensome regulatory measures that cost Americans valuable jobs are put to an end," said Congressman James Comer (KY-01).

"President Trump made the right choice to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. This flawed accord tied the hands of American energy innovation, and ignored the strides made by the United States to reduce emissions without interference, and empowered the worst actors in the world to continue being the biggest polluters with little accountability. Instead of prioritizing foreign nations over our own, I stand with the President’s decision to put our workers and country first," said Congressman Pete Stauber (MN-08).

"The Paris Climate Agreement entered into by President Obama put American farmers and workers at a disadvantage around the world, harming our economy and doing almost nothing to improve the environment. Under President Trump, the U.S. remains a leader in energy innovation and decreasing emissions, unlike major polluters like China and India which are allowed to continue their harmful practices in the Paris Climate Agreement. As an original cosponsor of a resolution supporting withdrawal, and on behalf of Kansas farmers, ranchers and workers, I applaud President Trump for withdrawing from this job-killing, one-sided agreement," said Congressman Ron Estes (KS-04).

"America leads the way in energy innovation, and we will continue to do so without laboring under the constraints of the Paris agreement. While other countries struggle to meet their goals under the agreement, the United States can continue to make strides in developing affordable, reliable energy. I applaud President Trump for carrying out this decision in our national interest," said Congressman Morgan Griffith (VA-09).

"I applaud President Donald Trump for keeping his promise to formally withdraw from the flawed Paris Climate Agreement that only rewarded the world’s largest polluters. The Trump Administration has done a great job implementing policies to decrease carbon emissions while increasing America’s domestic energy dominance," said Congressman Russ Fulcher (ID-01).