Time to Recognize Maritime Search and Rescue Heroes

The fifth International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF) awards are now open for nominations.
“Every day around the world, maritime search and rescue (SAR) volunteers and professionals save lives at sea. It’s a tradition as old as anyone can remember and enshrined in international and maritime law – but we shouldn’t take it for granted,” says IMRF CEO Theresa Crossley.
“Today we are calling on everyone involved in maritime SAR to ‘take a step back’ and to celebrate the dedication of their colleagues or recognize the equipment that makes SAR operations possible today that would have been unthinkable even a few short years ago. It’s time to submit your nominations for the IMRF Awards 2020. It is time to say thank you and well done!”
The IMRF Awards recognize volunteers and professional SAR personnel alike, from those developing innovative technology or equipment to those involved in hands-on multi agency rescues, to those who have dedicated their lives to building maritime SAR service in their region or to women acting as an inspiration to others in a traditionally male dominated sector.
The highly regarded International Awards are now in their fifth year, nominations come from around the world and the five categories are:
Individual: For Outstanding Individual Contribution to Maritime SAR Operations
Team: For Outstanding Team Contribution to Maritime SAR Operations
Innovation & Technology: For Innovation and Technology in the field of Maritime SAR
Lifetime Achievement: The Vladimir Maksimov Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Maritime SAR Sector
#WomeninSAR Award: recognizing exceptional inspiring SAR women
The closing date for nominations is June 30, 2020, and the winners will be announced on October 7, 2020 at a ceremony on board HQS Wellington, a historic vessel moored on the River Thames in London, UK.
Find out more about the IMRF Awards 2020 here.
Submit a nomination here.