
Search for Downed Helicopter Crews Continues

Published Jan 17, 2016 10:14 PM by The Maritime Executive

The Marine Corps has released the names of the twelve missing crewmembers of two lost helicopters downed off the North Shore of Oahu on Thursday evening.

The two were CH-53E Super Stallions of Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 463, First Marine Aircraft Wing from Marine Corps Base Hawaii.

Media sources report that the incident was the result of a collision between the two aircraft. 

Marine Corps authorities released the identities of the missing crew on Saturday. Aboard were Maj. Shawn M. Campbell, Capt. Brian T. Kennedy, Capt. Kevin T. Roche, Capt. Steven R. Torbert, Sgt. Dillon J. Semolina, Sgt. Adam C. Schoeller, Sgt. Jeffrey A. Sempler, Sgt. William J. Turner, Cpl. Matthew R. Drown, Cpl. Thomas J. Jardas, Cpl. Christopher J. Orlando, and Lance Cpl. Ty L. Hart.

A high surf advisory and 13-foot swells have made SAR efforts more challenging. "It makes finding things incredibly difficult," Coast Guard spokesman Lt. Scott Carr told media.

With no sightings of missing crew near in to shore, the search pattern has been expanded out to sea to about eight miles off the north and west coasts of the island, covering about 5,000 square nm in over 20 individual searches.

Search assets on scene include five helicopters, one P-3 Orion, two warships, two coast guard cutters, and two jet ski teams, plus shoreline patrols.

“We’d like to reiterate to the public to use caution along the north and west shores of Oahu as the search continues. Debris should be treated as hazardous material,” said Lt. Scott Carr, a USCG public affairs officer. He also asked the public to report any debris to SAR authorities.

U.S. Coast Guard District 14 in Honolulu, Hawaii said that it received notification of the downed helicopters off Oahu late Thursday. The USCG was notified at 11:38 PM and the first Coast Guard helicopter was on scene just after midnight; its crew observed a debris field at the search scene about three miles off Haleiwa, on Oahu's north shore, said Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Sara Mooers in a statement to media.

The cause of the accident is under investigation by the Marine Corps.