
CMA CGM Brings Major Art Exhibition to Paris

Image courtesy CMA CGM

Published Apr 28, 2016 8:45 PM by The Maritime Executive

CMA CGM Group announced Wednesday that it has sponsored and provided logistics for the upcoming Monumenta 2016 art exhibition in the Grand Palais, Paris – a large-scale solo show for award-winning installation artist Huang Yong Ping.

Detailed photos of the installation have not yet been released, as it will not open until May 8. But in a recent interview with Apollo magazine, Huang confirmed that the installation, entitled “Empires,” could be described as an "archipelago." 

"The concept shouldn't be seen as a riddle," he said. "Artworks are often uncomplicated and clear in their meaning. But I'd rather not say anything more about it for now."

In its release, CMA CGM suggested that shipping, globalization and international commerce would be at the heart of the installation, and "it is for this strong presence of its own universe that CMA CGM decided to be the main partner of the exhibition." 

The carrier said that it was involved from the project’s inception, and that it provided resources and expertise to carry it through to fruition. Logistics began in January, and the line's flagship ULCV, the CMA CGM Bougainville, arrived in Le Havre in late March with containers of exhibition elements from Qingdao and Shanghai. These were barged to Gennevilliers and stored; beginning Monday, the components were trucked to the Grand Palais, and the exhibition is expected to be fully assembled within 10 days. 

Gallery: Past exhibitions by Huang Yong Ping

Courtesy Kamel Mennour

Courtesy Gladstone Gallery

Courtesy Rockbund Art Museum