
Sea Shepherd Releases Suppressed Whaling Footage


Published Nov 27, 2017 9:22 PM by The Maritime Executive

Sea Shepherd has released footage of Japanese whaling that the Australian Government has suppressed until now.

Jeff Hansen, Managing Director of Sea Shepherd Australia, stated, “Sea Shepherd has been a part of a  joint effort fighting the Australian Government to release rare whaling footage obtained on a 2008  Australian Customs mission to the Antarctic. Through the Freedom of Information (FOI) process we worked with the Environmental Defenders Office NSW and Humane Society International Australia to make sure the public could finally see what this taxpayer funded operation filmed.
“The Australian Government has suppressed this footage for years. The main reason given was that the images of this horrific slaughter would harm diplomatic relationships with Japan,” said Hansen. 
“This footage shows the bloody brutality, cruelty and senseless killing of such beautiful, intelligent and majestic animals. These whales are hunted down, before being hit with an explosive harpoon that sends shrapnel through their bodies, while prongs come out so that the whale cannot escape. The whale dives to try and get back to the depths below, to its family, but it can’t as the whale killers retract the cable, slowly bringing the whale to the surface, thrashing about in pain before he/she gets to eyeball their killer, before being shot until finally dying, many minutes later in a sea of blood,” said Hansen. 
Hansen says: “Now is the time for the Australian Government to live up to its pre-election promises and send a vessel to oppose whaling by Japan. With the whaling fleet now in the killing grounds, the question must be asked, does the Australian Government represent the wishes of the people of Australian or Japan?”

Sea Shepherd will not be persuing the Japanese whaling fleet this year.

The footage can be viewed raw here or with narration by Hansen here.

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.