
Successful Rollout for The Swedish Club’s New MIC Online


Published Jul 2, 2021 6:13 PM by The Maritime Executive

The Swedish Club has just completed a successful online rollout of its popular Gothenburg based Marine Insurance Course (MIC). Originally driven by COVID restrictions, MIC Online has in fact allowed more of the Club’s members and business partners to take part in the course, and the Club is delighted to have seen a boost in attendance.

More than 70 delegates from around the world registered to attend the course, reflecting the Club’s global reach of members and business partners. These included participants from as far afield as the USA, Vietnam, the UAE, and Finland. Indeed, due to time differences, a number of participants burnt the midnight oil in order to attend the live sessions. 

Lars Malm, Director Strategic Business Development & Client Relations at The Swedish Club says: “Necessity is the mother of invention, and the Club has worked very hard to rise to the challenge of COVID and continue to deliver the high quality levels of service and support that we are known for. MIC Online is a prime example of that approach, and we have been delighted with takeup of the initiative. 

“Delegates have been able to participate in learning from their own locations, accessing many of the modules in their own time. Feedback has been incredibly positive and we are looking at ways to continue the programme, integrating MIC Online alongside the face-to-face event in future years.”

The Swedish Club’s Marine Insurance Training enables members and those working for shipowners, shipmanagers and marine insurance brokers to improve their knowledge of marine insurance, enhance their professional network, and find out what support membership of the Club offers. Participants learn about the key aspects of marine insurance, looking in detail at both the practical and legal aspects of the profession. In addition to taking useful knowledge and skills back into the workplace - ranging from the legal implications of terms and conditions to the practical handling of claims and loss prevention - delegates who passed the various modules by completing on-line tests were awarded with a certificate recognising the achievement. 

MIC Online 2021 offered participants three key elements: 

The first was a portfolio of presentations and support materials. Top speakers provided an introduction to marine insurance and explored the various elements in detail. Delegates had four weeks to access and explore the presentations and the familiarisation material in each module, in their own time, prior to plenary sessions which were run live.

Once completed delegates were invited to participate in a live session with a panel discussion featuring key speakers.  Key issues arising from the modules were discussed by the expert panel, with the opportunity for Q&A.

There then followed a choice of live workshop sessions where delegates could explore topics of specific interest with other participants, followed by breakout sessions allowing for detailed discussion.

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