SimFlex Accredited as Full-Mission Class A Simulator by DNV GL Again
FORCE Technology's ship bridge simulator product SimFlex is once again accredited as a full-mission Class A simulator according the DNV GL Standard: “DNVGL-ST-0033 Maritime simulator systems” and has obtained a Statement of Compliance.
With the Statement of Compliance in hand, it is possible for SimFlex training providers to obtain a product certificate through FORCE Technology, however, issued by DNV GL. The product certificate is also valid for five years.
The approach is that DNV GL uses the ‘as built’ documentation including signed site acceptance tests, which will be provided by us. Then, DNV GL conduct a review and issue a “Simulator Product Certificate” with appropriate class and notations for the training provider.
“The Simulator Product Certificate” is then handed over to the training provider through us. This certificate enables the training provider to prove STCW compliance to their national maritime administration. This approach is valid for both new and existing SimFlex training providers.
SimFlex – when realism and accuracy matters
The SimFlex ship bridge simulator is renowned for its realism and has been under constant development for more than 30 years. Right from the very beginning, our focus has been on accurately modelling the hydro- and aerodynamic physical characteristics.
This is done by addressing all the forces acting on the vessel and then solving the equation of motions for the vessel. Each force component is a function of many variables, which each contributes to the total force exerted and the corresponding motion. This approach makes it easy to add or remove an effect.
The design is based on an eclectic approach where data is retrieved and combined from many sources. Herein lies the success and realism of the ship bridge simulator.
The products and services herein described in this press release are not endorsed by The Maritime Executive.