
IMO Secretary General Lim & Global Industry Leaders to Honor Seafarers

Esben Poulsson, Chairman, International Chamber of Shipping
Esben Poulsson, Chairman, International Chamber of Shipping

Published Dec 22, 2020 9:41 PM by The Maritime Executive

Fredrick James Francis, Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the “Heroes at Sea” tribute to seafarers around the world, announced the participation of International Maritime Organization Secretary General Kitack Lim as a presenter at the Heroes at Sea Tribute Concert.   Captain Francis also made public the extension of the Heroes at Sea awareness effort through January 3rd to meet the 40,000-kilometer goal.  The program invites participants to walk, jog, cycle or swim distances which collectively result in circumnavigating the globe.  A highlight of the event is the virtual global tribute concert on December 21st.  

In addition to IMO Secretary General Lim, global industry leaders have joined in the tribute to mariners and this initiative.  Esben Poulsson, Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping and Executive Chairman of Enesel Pte Ltd., stated “On behalf of the International Chamber of Shipping, I would like to congratulate the Singapore Nautical Institute and the World Maritime Heritage Society for organizing the Heroes at Sea initiative.  The COVID-19 crisis has brought about a greater understanding and recognition of the vital role played by seafarers in keeping trade moving, often in highly challenging circumstances.  Seafarers are indeed the world’s unsung heroes, and they deserve our respect, admiration and support.”

“With more than 80% of global trade carried by sea, seafarers play a critical role in keeping our supply chains flowing.  These “Heroes of the Sea” work behind the scenes, often in harsh, exacting conditions” remarked Ley Hoon Quah, Chief Executive, Maritime and Port Authority Singapore.  “I warmly welcome the Heroes at Sea initiative.  I hope that more like-minded partners will step forward to help our global seafarer community tide over this difficult period.  Together, we will overcome!”

A Tribute Concert will be held on Monday, December 21st featuring performers from all over the world.  To join the concert, go to Heroes at Sea Tribute Concert.

Funds raised by the program will support the work of Mission to Seafarers, The Nautical Institute, and the World Maritime Heritage Society as they endeavor to lessen the burden on mariners.  At any one time, there are over 1000 ships in the Port of Singapore with thousands of mariners on board who are in need of support during these challenging times.

“Without seafarers, there is no shipping.  Without shipping, there is no global trade.  Without global trade, you will have no clothes, electronics, energy or, in many cases, food” observed Heroes at Sea Honorary Chairperson SHIPPINGInsight’s Carleen Lyden Walker.  “We hope the global maritime industry joins our efforts to honor the world’s mariners who toil ceaselessly so we can live our lives.  Thank them by recognizing their efforts through the ‘Heroes at Sea’ initiative.”

To register as a participant in the “Heroes at Sea” program, or learn more about the Tribute Concert on Monday, December 21st, go to Heroes at Sea.


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