
DNV Certifies GHG System by Ascenz Marorka

Ascenz Marorka

Published Jun 29, 2023 1:17 PM by The Maritime Executive

[By: Ascenz Marorka]

Ascenz Marorka, a GTT Group brand, announces that it has been granted a Type Approval certification for its Shaft Power Limitation (ShaPoLi) solution by the classification society DNV.

The solution helps ship-owners and operators comply with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) regulations aimed at curbing Green House Gas emissions and carbon intensity by 40% before 2030.

This certification confirms that Ascenz Marorka ShaPoLi system complies with IMO resolution MEPC 335(76) and can be used on vessels subjected to EEXI2 overridable power limitation.

The solution monitors propeller shaft power and signals an alert in the wheelhouse if the shaft power exceeds the EEXI calculated maximum power. The system logs the periods where the limit was exceeded and enables crew to give comments.

The solution can also be connected to the Ascenz Marorka online platform and thus offer real-time monitoring and optimization capabilities to users on-board and on-shore.

These different benefits make Ascenz Marorka's ShaPoLi a unique solution on the market.

Anouar Kiassi, Vice-President Digital of GTT, said: “We are proud to launch the most advanced ShaPoLi solution on the market. Beyond monitoring compliance with the regulation, we offer our customers a full suite of modules to help them reduce their emissions and optimize the performance of their vessels”.

For more information, visit https://www.ascenzmarorka.com/

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