
Crew Puts Simulated Icebreaker Through Its Paces

Aurora Australis

Published Oct 9, 2015 9:40 AM by The Maritime Executive

A simulator that trains icebreaker crews to safely navigate polar waters is one step closer to reality, following validation of the virtual model of the Aurora Australis at the Australian Maritime College, a specialist institute of the University of Tasmania.

Aurora Australis Captain Murray Doyle and Third Officer Katrina Beams put the virtual icebreaker through its paces over three days of testing, providing feedback on the accuracy of ship-ice interaction. And the verdict?

“It’s pretty close to the ship’s operational parameters – when you’re steering and using the ship’s thrusters you get the same feeling as if you were operating the Aurora Australis,” Captain Doyle said.

This final phase of testing marked the end of the project’s practical component for researcher Paul Brown, who spent seven weeks aboard the real icebreaker collecting data on how she behaved in a range of conditions.

“During that voyage I collected more than 40 days of data, photos and videos on the ship’s performance in conditions ranging from open waters to heavy seas, icebreaking and snowstorms. All of this information was used to develop the simulated Antarctic environment and ice breaking part of the ship model,” Mr Brown said.

“The aim was to create a virtual training tool that was as close to the real-world environment as possible, and there is no better person to validate our simulated model than the captain of the Aurora himself.”

The three-year project was developed to meet the future training needs of companies such as P&O Maritime, who must comply with a new international code of safety for ships operating in polar waters that is expected to be introduced in January 2017. It will be a mandatory requirement for all chief mates, masters and navigation officers to hold formal ice navigation qualifications.

Captain Doyle said there were a range of benefits to completing an ice navigation course in a simulator prior to encountering the real thing.

“Airline pilots are put in simulators well before they’re allowed to go near a cockpit of an aircraft, so using a simulator gives you a lot more confidence and training to actually do these things. It lays a basic foundation for what you will need to learn later on,” he said.

“The simulator will be an important tool for the training of new and existing officers – it will give them a better understanding of the interaction of ship operations in ice, leading to greater safety and efficiency and reducing wear and tear on the vessel.”

P&O Maritime has worked closely with Mr Brown on the project with the intention of using the virtual model of the Aurora Australis to train its ice pilots.

Mr Brown is now consulting with commercial arm AMC Search to develop and approve two new ice navigation courses using the simulated training tools. The aim is to have the products online next year in preparation for the 2016/17 Antarctic season.

“The real satisfaction will come when I see experienced ice navigators such as Captain Murray Doyle and Katrina Beams leaving here with their internationally-recognized qualifications. That really will be the icing on the cake,” he said.

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