
Cotecmar Wins the National Export Prize

1,120 collaborators at the operational, technical and administrative level promote the development of the national economy from Cotecmar


Published Sep 16, 2023 6:29 PM by The Maritime Executive


Cotecmar is the leading company in the country in the design, construction and installation of ballast water treatment systems, to prevent pollution from maritime activities.

The Science and Technology Corporation for the Development of the Naval, Maritime and River Industry (COTECMAR), received from the Executive President of Analdex Javier Díaz Molina, the National Export Award, the highest recognition that Analdex and ProColombia grants annually to companies. national service exporters.

At the event held in the city of Pereira, the work carried out by the Corporation during 2022 was highlighted, around the export of engineering services mainly to vessels flying the flags of Panama, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Antigua and Barbuda, Guatemala, Cayman Islands, Lithuania, Italy, Germany and Cyprus, which represented 16.9% of the total sales recorded by COTECMAR the previous year.

The wide range of innovative services, its own workshops and the experience of the Colombian shipyard made it worthy of this award, which highlights its role as a pioneer in Colombia in the design, construction and installation of the Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS). In accordance with the regulations established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for the prevention of pollution of vessels due to maritime activities.

Likewise, the technical and technological capacity available to its clients stands out, as is the case of the extended reality laboratory, which allows the work to be visualized before its execution, achieving greater detail and effectiveness in the delivery of comprehensive solutions in the fleets. of shipping companies and shipowners that transit through Colombian Caribbean waters.

The above adds to the boost of the local and national economy that COTECMAR carries out through the linking of Colombian human talent, the generation of productive chains and the development of national suppliers, which is reflected in the recognition that the shipyard and the country have for international level within the naval, maritime and shipyard industry.

The products and services herein described in this press release are not endorsed by The Maritime Executive.