
ClassNK Releases FAQs on EU-ETS for Shipping

ClassNK has released “FAQs on the EU-ETS for Shipping”,

Published Mar 23, 2023 10:00 AM by The Maritime Executive

ClassNK has released “FAQs on the EU-ETS for Shipping”, an overview and necessary preparation of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS), which is expected to be introduced to the maritime industry.

The European Union (EU) has set a goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to the 1990 levels, to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. A comprehensive climate policy package presented, “Fit for 55,” announced in 2021 to achieve the 2030 target, includes a legislative proposal to extend the EU-ETS to the shipping sector. The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union are finalizing the proposal to implement it from January 2024.
To assist the preparation of shipping stakeholders required to respond to the EU-ETS, ClassNK has developed “FAQs on the EU-ETS for Shipping” based on information currently under review. The FAQs provide an overview of the EU-ETS and introduce the necessary preparations in a Q&A format. ClassNK will update the information promptly through deliberations in the EU.
“FAQs on the EU-ETS for Shipping” is available on the following page of the ClassNK website.
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Table of Contents of FAQs on EU-ETS for Shipping
Q1 What is the EU-ETS?
Q2: What is an overview of the EU-ETS for shipping?
Q3: How can I check the GHG emissions?
Q4. What is the “port of call” under the EU-ETS for shipping?
Q5: What should I do for the EU-ETS for shipping?
Q6: Who will purchase allowances under the EU-ETS for shipping?
Q7: When, where, and how can I purchase/surrender allowances?
Q8: What are the penalties for non-conformities?
Q9: How are the revenues from the EU-ETS for shipping used?
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