ChartWorld Launches Route Network API to Meet Growing Demand

[By: ChartWorld]
Leading provider of digital navigation and maritime services, ChartWorld, launches its enhanced Route Network API to cater to the increasing need for assisted and automated route planning tools in the shipping industry. The Route Network API offers fully automated route planning solutions, targeting ChartWorld's solution partners and their users.
The Route Network API provides navigation-ready routes, offering comprehensive and up-to-date information for precise and accurate route planning. Based on a global database of ports, waypoints, and leg lines, the Route Network incorporates vessel-specific parameters, nautical information, administrative and environmental restrictions, as well as the latest notices to mariners and warnings. Continuously updated with supporting metadata, the Route Network enables routing service to calculate the safest and most efficient routes.
"Our team of navigational experts and Master Mariners utilizes various authoritative sources to expand and update the route network. By embedding nautical data, sailing directions, and local routing regulations, the Route Network becomes capable of handling increasingly complex routing scenarios," explained Steven Schootbrugge, CEO of ChartWorld. "The Route Network API is designed to deliver the utmost accuracy and detail to our customers and solution partners, while satisfying the rising demand for assisted and automated route planning tools in the shipping industry."
The enhanced Route Network API is accessible through a REST API, providing seamless access to the Route Network Server (RNW API). The RNW API response encompasses the route in RTZ or JSON formats, route check (navigational danger detection), and additional nautical information for the calculated route (minimum depth, etc.) required for generation of a compliant voyage plan.
Key features of the Route Network API include:
- Shortest Safe Route calculation through API Calls or the RNW Server Web user interface.
- Adjustment of vessel parameters, such as length, beam, static draft, safety margins, vessel type, and cargo type.
- Configuration and customization of voyage parameters, areas to be avoided or passed through.
- Option to integrate weather routing
- Voyage Performance (fuel consumption, cost, CO2 emissions, predicted CII rating)
- Weather Forecast.
To learn more about ChartWorld's enhanced Route Network API, please visit our website at
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