
C-MAP Launches Updated Integrated Maritime Suite

Credit: C-MAP

Published Jun 3, 2019 5:43 PM by The Maritime Executive

C-MAP, a leader in digital marine cartography and cloud-based mapping, announced today the release of C-MAP IMS 2.1, a powerful upgrade of its Integrated Maritime Suite (IMS) with new features for navigational chart and publication management and even more powerful voyage optimization. 
A modular onboard software suite, IMS 2.1 is designed to improve operational efficiency and streamline voyage planning and nautical information management.
The newly enhanced NauticalManager module supports a modern and efficient workflow for automated chart and publication management, and a comprehensive set of simple-to-use but powerful tools for route planning, graphical and quantitative analysis of weather and navigational considerations. IMS Voyage Planning is available free of charge to C-MAP commercial chart customers.
The Weather Routing module adds automated weather routing capabilities. It generates a navigationally correct route that stays within your specified weather limits. The 
Optimization module uses a state-of-the-art algorithm to generate, quickly and with minimal user input, the ideal route that meets commercial objectives while minimizing fuel consumption, maintaining seakeeping limits, and avoiding dangerous weather.
The platform streamlines and simplifies onboard navigational tasks while providing integration with C-MAP’s web-based FleetManager, allowing unmatched levels of insight for operations managers.
New features included in the update:

•      Complete management of onboard S-57/S-63 electronic chart portfolio and ability to view and use charts for passage planning directly in IMS
•      24/7 ordering and viewing of portfolio status, downloading licenses, chart data updating (online or via email) and exporting to ECDIS all C-MAP, UKHO (AVCS and AIO), and PRIMAR chart products
•      24/7 access to the industry’s best proprietary marine weather forecasts with 19 weather layers (covering everything from wind and waves to visibility, temperature, storms, rain, snow and ice), super high-resolution forecasts for select regions and detailed port forecasts for 545 major ports
•      Visual Weather Alarm Areas with configurable limits graphically indicate dynamic weather no-go areas
•      License Certificates and ENC Holdings reports produced on demand onboard for Port State Inspectors
•      Passage Plan report including T&P (Temporary and Preliminary Notices to Mariners)
•      Flexible route optimization criteria to meet diverse demands
•      Powerful vessel model editor for onboard customization

“The latest iteration of our IMS software is designed to help our commercial customers better maximize profits,” said Leif Ottosson, CEO, Navico. “Owners and operators of all types of oceangoing vessels will benefit from the new chart and publication management capabilities, as well as the weather routing and route optimization capabilities. IMS 2.1 is the ideal tool for planning and executing commercial voyages in the safest and most cost-efficient way.”
For more information on C-MAP Light Marine and Commercial products, visit www.c-map.com. For more information about the C-MAP Integrated Maritime Suite (IMS), please visit commercialmarine.c-map.com/en/route-planning-and-fleet-management/ims.

The products and services herein described in this press release are not endorsed by The Maritime Executive.