
Port of Hueneme Port Director Appointed to National Advisory Council

Published May 31, 2013 10:05 AM by The Maritime Executive

May 30, 2013, Port of Hueneme CEO and Port Director Kristin Decas received a prominent appointment by the US Transportation Department Secretary Ray LaHood to serve on the National Freight Advisory Committee (NFAC) for two years. The NFAC is comprised of 47 voting members from outside the Department of Transportation, 4 members represent ports including Decas. The Deputy Secretary and Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy, as well as representatives from other Federal agencies with freight-related obligations will serve as ex-officio members. Members come with various perspectives on freight transportation and represent various modes of transportation, geographic regions, and policy areas. Freight customers and providers, labor representatives, safety experts and government entities are all represented as well.

The Committee is charged with providing recommendations that will lead to the creation of the National Freight Strategic Plan, which was mandated in the current surface transportation bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21). MAP-21 established a national freight policy and called for the creation of a National Freight Strategic Plan. By engaging stakeholders representing diverse interests, the Advisory Committee will provide recommendations to the Secretary of Transportation on how DOT can improve its freight transportation policies and programs. The collaboration of stakeholders will serve to promote involvement and compliance with proposed plans and performance measures and will support the implementation of larger freight policy initiatives.

"The Port is the goods movement arm of the region", said Port Commission Vice President Mary Anne Rooney, "having Decas on this National Advisory Council will be invaluable to the Port and our region. I'm extremely proud of her recent appointment and value her contribution to the Port."

Decas said, "I look at it as a privilege and honor to serve in this capacity and represent the transportation community and the needs of the maritime community."

"She brings and insightful and knowledgeable perspective concerning small ports", said Port Secretary Jess Herrera. "She understands the significant role small ports play in the national logistics supply chain."

Earlier this spring Decas accepted an appointment to the federal Marine Transportation System National Advisory Council, a council focused on marine highways. Both appointments run for two years and create the opportunity for Decas to liaison critical messages among the two forums and leverage the perspective of the maritime industry.

Commissioner Manuel Lopez said," These two appointments validate the board's selection of Decas as our CEO from amongst some very capable nationwide applicants. Her experience with harbor and shipping issues in the governor's office in addition to membership in trade organizations on a national level and her high energy are assets that are serving our area well."

Decas, 44, is the first woman to lead the Oxnard Harbor District. She came to the port a year ago from the New Bedford Harbor Development Commission in Massachusetts, where she was port director for five years.

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