Cameron Livingstone, SE Australia Branch of The Nautical Institute

Cameron Livingstone MNI is the secretary of the South Eastern Australia Branch of The Nautical Institute, which covers the region of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. The Institute's aim is to promote professionalism, best practice and safety throughout the maritime industry and to represent the interests of its members.
Iain Letham, Hero of the Piper Alpha Disaster
Iain Letham will be remembered as a hero of the Piper Alpha disaster of 1988. Letham was awarded the George Cross - the highest ci...
Learnings from the Preventable Grounding of MV Pasha Bulker
Three separate root causes led to MV Pasha Bulker running aground at Newcastle, Australia, on June 7, 2007. She had been at...
Captain Gennaro Arma, Quiet Hero of the Diamond Princess Quarantine
In medieval times, leadership meant being the first into a battle and the last to leave. Captain Gennaro Arma was the last person...
History of Containerization: Simplicity and Economics
'Containerisation' of shipping cargo shaped your life in ways you can't even imagine. Development of the 'standard...
How Australia Managed to Eradicate its Zebra Mussel Infestation
The outbreak of the 'Zebra Mollusc' was Australia's worst-ever marine invasive species infestation, highlighting the i...
"Operation Breakthrough": Remembering a Rare Thaw in the Cold War
On October 7, 1988, 'Operation Breakthrough' was a rare US-Soviet cooperation to free three juvenile gray whales that beca...
The Evolution of Class: From Lloyd's Coffee House to Modern Expertise
Ship 'classification societies' have existed for over 250 years. 'Class rules' classify ships and marine vessels a...
Courage Under Pressure: Capt. Arne Rinnan and the "Tampa Affair"
Captain Arne Rinnan will be remembered as a seafarer of incredible personal courage and professionalism. He upheld his honour, sto...
Place of Refuge: Lessons from the MT Prestige Disaster
A 'port of refuge' is a maritime safety principle as old as seafaring itself. Without it, a marine casualty can turn into...