
Video: USCG Medevacs Injured Fisherman off Coos Bay

All media courtesy USCG

Published Jul 12, 2020 1:37 PM by The Maritime Executive

 A U.S. Coast Guard aircrew medically evacuated a 26-year-old fisherman Saturday morning from the fishing vessel McKenzie Rose at a position about 100 miles off Coos Bay, Oregon.

The fishing vessel’s captain called watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector North Bend on VHF at about 0530 to report that a member of the crew had sustained a head injury and was in need of medical attention.

The McKenzie Rose began to transit toward shore in order to close the distance and rendezvous with a Coast Guard Dolphin helicopter aircrew. Meanwhile, Sector North Bend established a constant communication schedule with the fishing vessel.

The aircrew hoisted the injured fisherman shortly after noon and transported him to the Coast Guard airbase, where he was transferred to emergency medical services personnel.

“Getting this man to emergency medical care was a coordinated effort between the McKenzie Rose crew and the Coast Guard," said Petty Officer First Class Michael Halasz, Sector North Bend watchstander. "The teamwork greatly aided in the swift transport and treatment of the injured crew member."

The current condition of the man is unknown.