
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Releases 2019 Work Plan

Progress of the Charleston Harbor Deepening Project to 52 feet remains on track with $41.4 million awarded in the FY19 Work Plan.
Progress of the Charleston Harbor Deepening Project to 52 feet remains on track with $41.4 million awarded in the FY19 Work Plan.

Published Nov 21, 2018 4:35 PM by The Maritime Executive

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has delivered its Fiscal Year 2019 Work Plan for the Army Civil Works program to Congress.

On September 21, 2018, President Donald Trump signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019, which provides $6.999 billion in FY 2019 appropriations for the program. The work plan funds to completion 15 feasibility studies and one Limited Reevaluation Report, five projects in the Pre-construction Engineering and Design phase and 21 construction projects or elements of projects.

Studies Funded for Completion in FY 2019:

Alaska Regional Ports (Port of Nome Modification), AK
Lower Santa Cruz River, AZ
East San Pedro Bay Ecosystem Restoration, CA
Port of Long Beach Navigation Improvement, CA
Fairfield and New Haven Counties (Flooding), CT
Central Everglades Planning Project PPA South (South Florida Ecosystem Restoration), FL
Western Everglades Restoration Project (South Florida Ecosystem Restoration), FL
Grand River Basin, IA & MO
Chesapeake Bay Comprehensive Plan, MD, PA & VA
Rio Grande, Sandia Pueblo to Isleta Pueblo, NM
Hudson River Habitat Restoration, NY
Coastal Texas Protection and Restoration Study, TX (in conjunction with funds provided in the Bipartisan Budget Control Act of 2018)
GIWW – Brazos River Floodgates & Colorado River Lock, TX
Houston Ship Channel, TX
Matagorda Ship Channel, TX
Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Bridge Replacement at North Landing, VA

Preconstruction Engineering and Design Funded for Completion in FY 2019:

Mobile Harbor, AL
Dry Creek (Warm Springs) Restoration, CA
San Joaquin River Basin, Lower San Joaquin, CA
San Juan Harbor Improvement Study, PR
Galveston Harbor Channel Extension, Houston – Galveston Navigation Channels, TX

Construction Projects Funded for Completion in FY 2019:

Tucson Drainage Area, AZ
Hamilton City, CA
Isabella Lake, CA (Dam Safety)
Sacramento River Bank Protection Project, CA
Santa Ana River Mainstem, CA 
Yuba River Basin, CA 
Herbert Hoover Dike, FL (Seepage Control) 
Panama City Harbor, FL
C-111 South Dade (South Florida Ecosystem Restoration), FL
Indian River Lagoon South C-44 Reservoir and Storm Treatment Area Bank Stabilization (South Florida Ecosystem Restoration), FL
East St. Louis (Deficiency Correction), IL
Illinois Waterway, LaGrange Lock & Dam (Major Rehabilitation), IL
Olmsted Locks and Dam, Ohio River, IL & KY
Manhattan, KS
Delaware River Main Channel, NJ, PA & DE
East Branch Clarion River Lake, PA (Dam Safety)
Buffalo Bayou and Tributaries, TX (Dam Safety) 
Lewisville Dam, TX (Dam Safety) 
Lynnhaven River Basin, VA
Skokomish River, WA
Bluestone Lake, WV (Dam Safety)

Public Law 115-244 requires the Corps to fund six new studies and five new projects.

The six selected studies are:

Brunswick Harbor, GA (Navigation)
Kansas River Reservoirs Flood and Sediment Study, KS, CO & NE (Flood Risk Management)
Three Forks Beargrass Creek, KY (Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration)
Mississippi River Ship Channel, Port of New Orleans, LA (Navigation)
New York and New Jersey Harbor Deepening Channel Improvements, NY & NJ (Navigation)
FE Walter Dam Reevaluation Study, PA (Flood Risk Management)

The five selected projects are:

Manhattan, KS (Flood Risk Management)
Sault Ste. Marie (Replacement Lock), MI (Navigation)
Cedar Bayou, TX (Navigation)
Sabine-Neches Waterway, TX (Navigation)
Skokomish River, WA (Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration)