
Report: Ghana’s Sardinella Fishery Collapsing

Source: EJF
Source: EJF

Published Apr 11, 2020 10:20 PM by The Maritime Executive

Ghana’s sardinella fishery provides food and livelihoods for coastal communities and is more important than ever as coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads, according to a new report from the Environmental Justice Foundation. However, it is under severe threat from illegal targeting by industrial trawlers in a trade known as saiko. 

The report indicates samples of saiko sardinella that the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) obtained were 99 percent juveniles. This is extremely worrying since these young fish are crucial to population recovery, says EJF, and sardinella are already on the brink of collapse, having crashed by 80 percent over the past 20 years.
Saiko is a destructive form of illegal fishing, where foreign trawlers target the main catch of Ghanaian canoe fishers, transfer it at sea to specially adapted boats, and sell it back to local communities at a profit.
Last year, EJF’s research revealed that in 2017 alone this trade took around 100,000 tonnes of fish, costing Ghana millions of dollars in revenue and threatening food security and coastal livelihoods. According to a recent assessment by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the sardinella fishery shared between Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo and Benin is near total collapse.  
In the new study, EJF examined 18 blocks of saiko fish landed at Elmina: sardinella were present in two thirds of the blocks, and 99 percent of them were juveniles below minimum legal landing size. The NGO also examined the by-catch landed by trawlers and found a very similar picture: 99 percent of the sardinella were below legal size.    
Trawling with illegal nets, with a mesh size smaller than the legal minimum, is a major problem in Ghana. EJF has testimony from crew and fisheries observers working on industrial vessels stating that such nets are routinely used. 
An urgent crackdown on saiko is needed, says EJF. Although saiko transhipments, under-size mesh nets and landing juveniles are all illegal practices, as clearly laid out in Ghanaian law, they are often allowed to continue unchecked. When sanctions are given out, they are inconsistent and weak. For instance, the statutory minimum fine for use of illegal nets and landing juveniles under Ghana’s 2014 Fisheries Amendment Act is $1 million, yet there are numerous cases of vessels refusing to pay or paying lower sums and then being re-licensed to continue fishing.
This year the government committed to banning all domestic and international vessels found to be engaging in saiko from operating in Ghanaian waters. It must keep this vital pledge, says EJF, as well as immediately investigating all suspected cases of saiko fishing and prosecuting cases transparently through the court process. Thorough inspections of the landings of industrial trawlers are needed to ensure they are only targeting species of the type and size dictated by their license, and that the landed fish are above the minimum legal size.