
Record-Setting Number of Chinese Gov't Vessels Enter Philippine EEZ

Chinese maritime militia trawlers massed at Whitsun Reef, Dec. 2023 (PCG)
Chinese maritime militia trawlers massed at Whitsun Reef, Dec. 2023 (PCG)

Published Sep 26, 2024 7:22 PM by The Maritime Executive


The Philippine military has detected more than 250 Chinese government vessels within its western exclusive economic zone, an all-time record for a region with a perpetual Chinese presence. 

The overwhelming majority of this force is composed of trawlers belonging to the Chinese maritime militia, the paramilitary organization financed by the People's Liberation Army to perform presence operations. An additional 28 China Coast Guard cutters and 16 warships of the PLA Navy round out the count, along with three Chinese research and survey vessels. 

The increase to 251 ships is a huge jump over the 157 vessels spotted last week. The numbers could be driven by the return of calm weather - easier for the smaller vessels to operate in - and could also relate to China's priority activities at Sabina Shoal. 

The increase was driven by the count of maritime militia vessels, which surged by more than 50 vessels at Second Thomas Shoal and more than 20 vessels at Iroquois Reef. Gray-hull PLA Navy warships more than doubled at contested Sabina Shoal, reaching 11 armed vessels. 

Sabina Shoal is a new flashpoint for Philippine-Chinese relations, ever since signs of land reclamation were discovered at the reef earlier this year. The Philippine Coast Guard deployed the cutter BRP Teresa Magbanua to monitor Chinese activity in the lagoon, but had to withdraw the cutter this month, leaving a heavy Chinese presence without an on-scene Philippine counterpart on the water. The Magbanua was out of food and water, according to Philippine media, and several crewmembers were ill. 

"The Armed Forces of the Philippines did not lose its presence in Escoda or Sabina Shoal, we have always been there. The objective is monitoring," said Commodore Roy Trinidad (Philippine Navy).