
Emergency Response Operations Resume for Golden Ray

Response teams assess conditions near the capsized M/V Golden Ray near Brunswick, Georgia, July 16, 2019.
Response teams assess conditions near the capsized M/V Golden Ray near Brunswick, Georgia, July 16, 2019.

Published Sep 16, 2019 7:09 PM by The Maritime Executive

Emergency response operations for the capsized car carrier in St. Simons Sound, Georgia, resumed in full on Monday, with teams deploying response equipment and continuing salvage operations. 

Operations had been suspended with the approach of tropical storm Humberto.

The U.S. Coast Guard is leading the investigation into what caused the South Korean ship Golden Ray to capsize on Sunday after she departed the Port of Brunswick. The ship's pilot and 23 crew members were rescued, with four of the crew trapped for 36 hours before being rescued from the hull of the ship.

“We currently have approximately 160 local, state and federal responders here to protect public health and the environment.” says John Maddox, State On Scene Coordinator. Specialists are actively monitoring air quality around the vessel and surrounding areas. No impacts on air quality have been detected to date. 

Response teams are actively canvassing multiple shorelines to identify environmental impacts and ensure boom is optimally deployed. 

Commercial traffic in the Port of Brunswick has resumed on a case by case basis.

Response teams assess boom conditions around Bird Island near Brunswick, Georgia, July 16, 2019. Teams are on site assessing and identifying environmental impacts after heavy weather in the area, and ensuring the effectiveness of current strategies.