
MarEx July/August Edition Is on the Street

Published Jan 17, 2011 8:34 AM by The Maritime Executive

The latest MarEx print edition, featuring another decidedly international theme on the cover, also provides unique focus on global maritime training and education efforts currently underway. As always, you get our now familiar regular features, too.

The latest edition of THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE is on the street. Look for your copy soon! Regular MarEx print readers will get all of our usual features, such as Larry Kiern's Washington Insider, Executive Achievement and hard-hitting commentary. Plus:

•Executive Interview & Case Study: Claus Bihl and the Maersk Training Center
•OPED: Piracy and the merchant seamen affected by it…
•Maritime Software: Silver Bullets;
•Maritime Communications: Shootout!;
•Education Overview: Worldwide Innovative and Hi-Tech Training;
•Propelling Safety Reforms: From the Top Down;
•Executive Achievement: Spotlight on VADM Vivien Crea.