
Shipyard Management Book Published

book cover

Published Dec 27, 2017 2:33 PM by The Maritime Executive

Fernando Remolina, a Senior Project Manager for Damen Shiprepair & Conversion, has published a book called Shipyard Project Management. The book is a practical guide which explains how to use standard project management tools in ship repair projects. 

Many shipyards around the world have bought a copy, says Remolina, who says it is the first book published of its kind specially designed for the shipyard professionals. 

This book is divided in two main parts. The first provides a general overview of the status of project management awareness in the industry and explains the most important, useful and recognized project management tools. It explains how to use the tools using a real-world project on the MV Queen Andrea. 

The second part of the book discusses career development through project management certifications, project management studies and by acquiring soft skills. 

More information is available here.

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