
Inmarsat Future-Proofs Anthony Veder Gas Tanker Operations

inmarsat coral energy

Published Nov 6, 2022 5:59 PM by The Maritime Executive

[By: Inmarsat]

Rotterdam-based gas-shipping company Anthony Veder has renewed its connectivity agreement with Inmarsat, the world leader in global, mobile satellite communications, to increase its Fleet Xpress bandwidth allowance in line with its evolving business requirements. The contract applies to every vessel in Anthony Veder’s tanker fleet.

The agreement was reached following a successful trial in which Anthony Veder used the upgraded-bandwidth Fleet Xpress plan to run a data-intensive video-conferencing platform in a busy shipping lane. As well as supporting Anthony Veder’s increasing use of enterprise applications for more efficient business processes and seamless collaboration, the high-bandwidth package will allow the company to adopt and deploy advanced digital solutions as its requirements evolve.

Benne Engelen, Chief Information Officer, Anthony Veder, said: "With a roadmap for innovation that looks ahead five to 10 years and beyond, safe and reliable connectivity is imperative for Anthony Veder. We are looking continuously for ways to conquer the physical distance between our ships and shore-based operations, and to optimise collaboration by deploying the same tools on land and at sea. I am happy we can continue to rely on the coverage and stability of Inmarsat’s leading global network, its continuous technology improvement and its global support offer to achieve our development aims."

Committed to promoting crew welfare across its fleet, Anthony Veder will share the benefits of the new high-bandwidth package with its seafarers, providing them with free and reliable access to communication services, with data allowances managed by its in-house IT department.
Anthony Veder’s growing bandwidth requirements reflect wider industry trends. In a recent Inmarsat study, modern maritime business operations and crew welfare imperatives were identified as two of the key factors driving a threefold increase in data consumption on board commercial vessels. Monthly average network usage for maritime business operations was 32% higher in 2022 (as of June) than in 2021. Comparing the same time frames, network usage for crew connectivity was up almost 50%.

Ab Argam, Senior Sales Manager, Inmarsat Maritime, said “We have a strong relationship with Anthony Veder dating back many years and encompassing several generations of our VSAT services. By renewing its Fleet Xpress agreement, Anthony Veder has demonstrated its satisfaction with the solution and its trust that Inmarsat will continue to deliver the fast, reliable connectivity its evolving operations require.”

Also included in Anthony Veder’s renewed Fleet Xpress contract is Inmarsat’s Fleet Care service package, ensuring global, round-the-clock maintenance, repair and support for all onboard antennas and communication equipment, which were upgraded as part of the agreement.

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