
Businesses Sign Maritime UK Diversity in Maritime Pledges

Image courtesy of Maritime UK
Image courtesy of Maritime UK

Published Mar 6, 2022 11:36 AM by The Maritime Executive

[By: Maritime UK]

Maritime UK, the umbrella body for the maritime sector, celebrates the Tees and Hartlepool Port Users’ Association (THPUA) and leading North-East maritime businesses committing to shifting the dial on mental health provisions and gender equality across their organisations.

The THPUA, an independent body representing Teesside’s shipping industry, along with members Able UK, AV Dawson, Casper Shipping and Cockfield Knight, have signed the Pledges to champion diversity and inclusion across their membership, employees and the wider community.

Both pledges form a key pillar of Maritime UK’s Diversity in Maritime Programme. The objective of the Mental Health in Maritime Pledge is to ensure employee mental health and wellbeing is considered at the highest levels across the sector.

Garry O’Malley, Chair of the THPUA said:

“We absolutely recognise the challenges we face as an industry; the workforce which is ageing is male dominated and mental health remains a challenge for the sector, particularly for seafarers who have faced extended periods away from their families due to ongoing travel restrictions during the Covid Pandemic."

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